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Everything posted by danthebuilder

  1. http://www.tournamenttrail.net/2013-dates/
  2. Sheboygan - ep5 - https://vimeo.com/58615881
  3. Spent 2 hours in the early afternoon north of the indy bridge in bay city. Caught 7 walleye 2 of legal size. Blue/Silver Do jigger size 3 with a minnow hooked through the lips. Ice was thicker than 6 inches in the holes where I drilled. It was my first time going after walleye through the ice. The first hour I could have caught more but I didn't know what I was doing. The 2nd hour I had much better success of hooking up with them. I left then to go try for perch in the bay. I've never fished the area so i wanted a little variety. So I went up to vanderbelt park. Fishing was slow for everyone there. I got zero bites in 2 hours. I should have hole hopped more but with a manual auger and ice more than a foot in places. The walk from the park to the ice was brutal. frozen mud/ruts slick as can be and no flat land. I dumped my sled i was pulling twice on the way out and back. I probably won't go back there & look for a place a little easier to get to the ice or stick to the river. Only put 450 miles on the car. I think i'm gonna try to go back later in the week. We'll see how the weather is.
  4. Can't you just use walleye boards and let enough line out so your board is behind the boat a good safe distance from your dipsies?
  5. Lots of people don't use marine ply. They use Auruco ply that menards sells($40). You should be able to use 1 sheet 3/4 inches thick and cut it to shape. Glue & screw it together to get an inch and a half thickness(you remove the screws after it dries) & then use a couple coats of 2 part epoxy(west system is the most popular) and seal the entire thing. If any of it is exposed to sunlight you will need to paint it also. Some people don't use epoxy and they use 4-5 coats of spar varnish. When you go to put the bolts & fittings through just make sure you seal it up good with plenty of 3m 5200.
  6. I ordered 2 doubles. Now that i'm planning on running two divers on each side... what length rods do I want?
  7. Thanks for the reminder.
  8. If you buy a drill attachment. Get something wider than the hole. Like a bucket lid for example. Put a hole in it and Attach it between the auger & the drill attachment piece. So if you put the drill in reverse and the chuck loosens the auger doesn't fall to the bottom of the lake.
  9. I use this religiously. http://compare.ebay.com/like/310434346830?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar I think this year i'm going to buy some owners hooks this year and put them on anything that catches more than 2 fish.
  10. FOUND IT https://vimeo.com/21681215#t=1100 There ya go.
  11. Bounce/skip a rigger on the bottom and slow down in speed. You won't have any issues picking them up. My first year targeting salmon I went too slow and I'd caught nothing but lakers. I don't know if you've seen 333tv. From time to time groups target them. I believe that in one of the Saint Joseph tournaments(maybe New Buffalo/Michigan City) a group did it. Occasionally, in other episodes too. Somewhere they will show you in greater detail how to skip the bottom and what it looks like. You could put a rigger on the bottom and skip and most people think its just hitting bottom and won't notice the fish. I am guilty when I was new of reeling in the lines to go in or switching up spoons and ending up with a nice laker surprise once I popped the release. I know they show you this in one of the episodes. I rewatched them last week. You can also skip over the commercials pretty easily too when watching on vimeo. http://www.tournamenttrail.net/salmon-showdown/watch/
  12. What ports did you guys completely eliminate stockings at? I didn't see that in the article.
  13. NRA is a joke. I know they mean well. They're definitely not winning over the younger generation. 1. Colombine had a cop assigned to it for 2 years & the shooting still happened. Sure, the cop exchanged gunfire with one of the shooters. It did nothing. The shooters still made their decision to do that even though they knew their was a cop. The cop's have since changed their strategy to rush in instead of waiting for backup. Either way... This is proof alone NRA's grand idea of arming our schools is a joke and will stop no one. 2. NYC Police in august taking down one man with a gun shot 9 others. Most cops only have to qualify on their firearm once a year. Do you really want someone that shoots a few times during 1 week a year to be pulling a trigger in your school? Sounds real safe. 3. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3sajdl/ 4. The fort hood shooter. The guy shot up a military base. While they had a policy that guns were to be locked up. You can't really expect that its going to take long for a few people to get access to rifles to defend the base. Even with this logic the guy went on a rampage. Just another example that what the NRA says will stop gun violence in schools won't work. Saying all that. I think banning ar15's is retarded. There should be background checks at gun shows. Private sales should have also have standardized receipt and both parties retain a copy. The background check database should be better. We got to figure out a way for family members to label their family crazy on that database at the very least for a couple of years. Said crazy person should be able to petition & get off of it but they should have to jump through hoops proving they're not crazy. All police nationwide should be required to fire their firearm twice a month on the clock at a semi-public gun range if possible. To make sure what happened in NYC empire state building doesn't happen again & to interact with the public who own firearms. Also, I don't want high capacity magazines banned but I think they're going to be.
  14. Those of us with first hand knowledge aren't worried about the chart. We're worried about this thing called dirt. This thing called dirt is under the water. Boats don't float on dirt they float on water. While these water levels are currently equal to 64-65 numbers. If we don't get a good amount of snow and a good amount of rain in the spring we're going to see a lot more dirt where boats should be parked. Its not cheap to move dirt that is underwater. It could possibly cost my local community a fortune in lost revenue. I have friends that will definitely get laid off if we don't get higher water levels. It doesn't matter who gets blamed this just sucks.
  15. I always got the vehicle in 2wd. I've never had any issues. I tow an 18 ft aluminum. I must also say even though the boat is pretty light I've had a good amount of water in it and never any issues. Ramp isn't the steepest but its steep enough for me to see a few unhooked boats a year dump their boats off rollers onto the pavement. I'd worry if your local ramp is really steep or you had to put your truck tires in the water to pull your boat out.
  16. Please buy them and let me know how you like them.
  17. Good to hear order is restored.
  18. I only meant that I thought only you are supposed to start posts in this section...
  19. I don't think you're supposed to post on his blog thread. It throws things on the main page. =)
  20. So basically, after FEMA gives assistance for a disaster area. They require you to build a better house that will do a much better job of withstanding the next disaster? Who the hell comes up with these awful rules.
  21. http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20121107/tottenville/staten-island-fema-disaster-center-shuts-doors-due-weather Not a big conspiracy. They were told to close & leave because of the nor'easter. They closed schools & businesses & told people in low lying areas to move elsewhere and for everyone else to keep off the streets.
  22. How often do you guys fish 20-25 miles out? I can't say I've been that far out ever.
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