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Everything posted by danthebuilder

  1. I was in Allegan last week and drove by the dam. I watched from the car about 10 minutes and saw a couple fish caught. I drove over to the other side and they said it was steelhead. They also said they've been catching them there for a week and a half. I also saw a king & lake trout caught in south haven off the pier last week then the water warmed back up.
  2. did you test your voltage before & after?
  3. I'm interested. I found this. Don't know how true it is. http://www.protroll.com/books/?id=5&p_id=5
  4. I drove by the Allegan dam today. I saw several fish in a 10 minute period. I asked what they were catching and they said it was all steelhead. They said they've been there for about a week. That totally doesn't answer your offshore question tho.
  5. You're required to carry flares for emergencies. Isn't it an emergency when someone is about to 'crash' into you?
  6. Well, here is my take on the matter. If the fishing licenses completely cover the costs of stocking the fish & pay for all the other DNR related stuff to fishing. I am 100% against law makers getting involved. If it doesn't cover it and and the Michigan tax payer subsidizes it. I am okay with the holiday weekend thing. They pay. Why not let them play... The people who fish 3x a year are not cleaning out the fishery. Now the fip's... They need to pay to play.
  7. I go through the fishing reports & have an extra browser window open up google images and type the names everyone posts. Add spoon or fly to the end of the search. Another thing is don't be afraid to go into the bait shop & ask em 'I heard X was hot... can you show me what this is?' They love when you ask them that because they know you're going to spend $5 more than if you didn't ask that question.
  8. My understanding is they're trying to build up the alewives population so the salmon industry is less prone to a crash/stronger. The less salmon planted means more food for the fish that are around so that's why they're getting bigger. I believe Huron ran out of alewives which caused the salmon to leave/die.
  9. I lost my kicker tonight. Heard a loud crack. Slowed down looked back and couldn't figure out what it was. I thought a weight was loose & went flying into something. Finally got out to 100 fow turned around and said "where is the motor?". The mount it was on was 2inch thick laminated wood. I remember looking at it earlier in the year and it looked fine. It obviously wasn't. Been mounted there and fine since the early 90s. I guess letting the kicker bounce around isn't the best thing in the world to do after all. BUT!!! After a few trips of heavy skunk smell its finally out of the boat!! Spin Doctors & mountain dew flies to the rescue.
  10. We run 4 all the time on a smaller boat. When we use flasher flies. we always put it on the outside & shut down the rigger next to it. There is no other way.
  11. Thanks, I had a good laugh.
  12. Would be nice if they included how much it would cost to convert and how much cheaper/more expensive would it be before/after. Money talks.
  13. Most people here net fish out the back of their boat. The down riggers are on the back corners. No lines out the back. So the 7 foot rod is closest to the back. The other rods can easily go over it. The 7 foot rod never needs to go over any other rod. That's why the 7 foot makes sense. In your case... Probably not.
  14. You need to tell Murphy to take his law & go pick on someone else for a while.
  15. You need a battery, a switch for that battery, and start looking for a kicker. I would never go out on that lake with less than 2 motors...
  16. http://ludingtonsalmonfishing.com/fishingtips/ Tip #10
  17. good read.
  18. Glacier national park is beautiful. I couldn't care less if there was snow/glaciers on those mountains or not. All this glacier melting talk is hogwash. It doesn't matter.
  19. I hope you plan on adding a couple sliders.
  20. There was actually a good amount of riff in the past year about bird/fish major die off's. It happens often. It just doesn't reach the media often and when it does people go nuts thinking the end is near. If you search you'll find random news stories since news has been on the internet about mass bird/fish die offs. Its nothing new.
  21. EH! looks too late but for future reference. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Phoenix+Rd&daddr=42.40969,-86.25896+to:42.4078134,-86.271987+to:E+Wells+St&hl=en&ll=42.406854,-86.264455&spn=0.01155,0.019097&sll=42.408756,-86.269197&sspn=0.005775,0.009549&geocode=FfsGhwIdOtjb-g%3BFdoehwId8Mrb-imRp2n4qqwQiDGjecO92xM10g%3BFYUXhwIdDZjb-injnrDopqwQiDGIyTRXFlllww%3BFSYehwId-Jrb-g&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=17&via=1,2&t=h&z=16 The cost is $7 and its the only option(Robbery we know). Anyone know the story of the other ramp that is closed? I would think if they made it less steep and charged $5 or something reasonable for a season pass we would leave the public launch in mass exodus. Anyways I digress... If you don't take the route I highlighted and go through town you will be possible stuck in traffic. Especially on busy weekends. The bridge lifts on the top and bottom of the hour and you can get stuck(Especially, the few times of year you win the lotto and it gets stuck up). The way I highlighted there is barely anyone on the road once you turn onto blue star highway. Its a lot safer/quicker when pulling a trailer. It also takes you past the only bait shop in town. Did anyone who launches go see the fireworks from a boat this year in south haven? I am curious on how long it took to get back in. I stayed on land in south haven. I did drive last night the boat from South Haven to Saint Joseph to fish/see their fireworks. Fearing their traffic/boat launch nightmare after it is over. I would highly recommend this option in the future. I think If I go to south haven fireworks in the future I might launch from Saugatuck or Saint Joseph.
  22. I was in the other boat at the ramp. I caught a cold in ~100 fow. I did enjoy the lightning show we got.
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