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About danthebuilder

  • Birthday 04/17/1983

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  1. Best method I have found. https://www.youtube.com/embed/XJw4NzZfN3E
  2. Gonna leave most of your questions for the pros but I know If you hunt you can find Islanders made from the factory with outboards. No conversion required. http://toledo.craigslist.org/boa/5236207709.html http://nmi.craigslist.org/boa/5229909324.html http://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/boa/5177431952.html
  3. Word is that the fishing is epic. The problem is everyone and their mom knows the fishing is epic. So you gotta wonder off the beaten path to find a decent place to get some peace.
  4. I'd wait and go after steelhead in nov/dec. Pier kings are lame.
  5. 46 in SH last night.
  6. 85-95 fow is where the fish were caught. we fished 65-105 I don't got a temp probe. the buoy showed a temp break 55 foot down.
  7. 3/4 on kings (thanks to a rigger cable and a hot fish) 2/2 on drums. First king on a slide diver set on 1. 125 back w/ White Killer paddle with a meat rig in tow. Two kings came on a slide diver set on 1. 125 back 2/ Blue paddle & meat rig. A silver/black uv spoon on a copper 250 caught another king. 2 kings came on a west troll. 1 on an east. 1 on a north. The autopilot struggled in the chop.
  8. That's all anyone used to have. Then this happened. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1967/09/24/page/1/article/opposition-grows-in-park-forest-as-golf-referendum-nears Make sure you go through the legal requirements of everything you need. You will be a HUGE target for the sheriff/coast guard. Even the days where the lake is glass. If you see anything in the distance storm clouds wise. You need to go in immediately. You also have BIG boats that can swamp you with your wake. There are 14' boats and then there are 14' boats that high a 20' transom & high sides. Any day now the water will turn cold here and there will be small boats trolling the river. They'll sneak out past the pier heads and troll around a little bit and go back in. I'd start there.
  9. If you use VLC to view the footage. You can watch it at higher speed. Helps go through video pretty fast.
  10. Go on michigan-sportsman.com Search for a guy named dave ash. Anyways, a few years ago he got really heavy into fishing the holland pier. He posted about everything you need to know. So what you need to do is find his profile page. Click on POSTINGS, scroll towards the bottom and click on "Find all threads by Dave Ash" Then you'll have to look back a few years. I think it was around 2005 or 2006. The issue is that their forum software just updated. I'm not sure it all got ported over. He went everyday for a while and made a post everytime he went. I've never fished the holland pier but I've read every post he's created when I first got going. Some old timer on the pier told me about his posts. Saying all that. Ask anything. This weekend. You should go hang out at the fish cleaning station in the DNR boat launch with a few zip lock bags and ask for eggs from the guys with boats. You'll need eggs for winter steelhead. Which is the most epic fishing there is. Store bought eggs are terrible.
  11. I grab the serial # off my motor and plug it in here https://webapps.brunswick.com/literature/literatureSearch.do Give you the part #s I honestly don't know if this helps you. Sorry.
  12. Always enjoy watching your videos. Was wondering where you've been.
  13. Can you upload some pictures of your board modifications?
  14. I've already learned the hard way that statement isn't true. Take it off (the cables) and check for corrosion.
  15. Great first post. Thanks for the report. That's a beautiful king.
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