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wishfull thinking

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Everything posted by wishfull thinking

  1. We just changed all of our cores out to coppers. For us it has worked better and less line out to deal with. It has been less of a pain to fish around all of the other boats as well. For some reason the only cores that were good for us were 15 color and no one really wanted to reel in that much line.
  2. We did another really early morning trip, still trying to dial in on a night fishing program. Lets just say we missed, at least in the dark. Set lines at around 2 a.m. and didn't hit a fish until about 4 a.m. We worked 60 to 90 fow with lots of marks but no takers. At about 5 ish all hell broke loose. We had 4 doubles in a row, all on moonshine spoons. They were glow on left edge and black on right edge with a black ladder. Once the pack of boats moved out we set out 150, 250, 300 coppers, 15 color, 9 color, and 5 color. The coppers did great and the cores were dead for us. Mag dipsys on 2 back 75 to 150 and regular dipsys on 3 back 110 to 180 were the best for us. Spoon color didn't seem to matter, we went through more than i can remember. Best water was 70 to 90 fow. Ended 20 for 26ish and pulled lines at 1 in the afternoon with a very tired and beaten crew. This was our best box for numbers and size this year. The cooler was filled to the top with gear wreckers. 3 steel 2 lakers 15 kings Watch the nets guys, we had some close ones. It lookes like they moved some of them.
  3. The worst part of the day was getting back up to be back at work at 9 that evening. We payed for that one.
  4. you should try it sometime. Very peacefull until about combat time.
  5. Set gear in the channel at 2:00 a.m. First fish in 40 fow. We ran moonshine wonderbread and a few other colors I cant remember to save my life right now. Picked away at fish from 50 to 80, everything down 30 to 35 until the sun came up and boats came in. Went out to 100 and finished the 3 man limit at 9:45. Warrior uv blue dolphin was best. South west troll was best in the dark and north troll was best later in the morning. 8 steel and 7 kings.
  6. The coyote spoon i was useing had blue on one side and green on the other with the orange ladder in the middle. The spoons i just picked up were modified blue dolphins, blue on one side and yellow on the other with orange ladder in the center. I will try to get a run of actual coyote uv spoons going, I thought that is what came in. They look really good though.
  7. We got the hesperia sport shop to get with warrior lures and make up some uv coyote spoons. I think they will be killers.
  8. Fished a little south of the channel. Started in 60 fow at 4:30, no takers until 90 and picked away at them until 9:00. Ended 10 for 12. One steel with the rest kings. Moonshine wonderbread took fish in the dark and coyote spoons were the ticket for after sunrise. We did have 2 fish on the 11 inch pearl fish scale paddel and fly. We stayed in 90 to 130 after sunrise, east and west were the only directions we could get a bite.
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