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Knot Tellin

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About Knot Tellin

  • Birthday 09/21/1978

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  • Location
    Ellsworth, MI
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing
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  1. I see that a lot of people are using spro power swivels for there line to line connections. I found these the other day and think they maybe even better. There are stainless, smaller, cheaper, and heavier rating. Sounds like a win, win to me. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/swivels/stainless_super_swivels_.htm Size 14-78lb breaking strength. What are your thoughts.
  2. I have a couple convector 45's with ten colors of lead on them. Thinking about switching 1 over to a 300' copper. If I do how much backer can I get on the reel. I currently have 300 yards of 40lb power pro. Haven't decided whether to go 45 or 32#. I see the BRC 45# has a diameter of 0.033 and the 32 is 0.030. Should I be able to straight up switch them out with my 27# LC, it should have a dia of around 0.032?
  3. great pictures thanks for the report.
  4. Need some advice on what baits I should run for early browns and atlantics. Also where should I start, shallow?
  5. If any of you are on Facebook please go to Michigan Out of Doors page and vote for my son and I's video entry. It is Alex and Keith Wilson Turkey hunt. Voting ends today. Thanks
  6. we talking knots or mph.
  7. Anyone fishing the Lake Charlevoix Area Trout Tournament? Below is a link to the tournament page. http://www.fishcharlevoix.com/
  8. Thanks guys we had a lot of fun. He is quite the outdoorsman already. I want to get a GoPro camera for the boat. I think that would be cool.
  9. Schuette, Stokes announce felony charges against Arkansas Asian carp salesman Investigation by DNR revealed illegal sales of live Asian carp from semi-truck in Midland http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153--279769--,00.html
  10. Do you know if they carry the TD and $ on it if they do. Thanks
  11. My 8 year old son shot his first turkey this spring with a crossbow. He made a great shot and it didn't go anywhere; 2 steps and dead. We got it all on video; it will be great to look back 20-30 years from now and watch. It was 19 lbs, had a 7-1/8" Beard, and 3/4" Spurs below is a link to the video. There is some pictures at the end. http://youtu.be/y8wgMWuReRk
  12. I have a Uniden Oceanus DSC Submersible radio. I turned it on the other night and noticed that when I adjusted the squelch down and didn't get any static. So I tried to pick up the weather and nothing. The radio beeps when I change channels and when I turn it on so I don't believe it is the speaker. How do I check the antenna to see if it is ok? And what else can I check.
  13. Nice they may not pull as hard, but are way better eating IMO.
  14. I have a new lakemaster chip Promaps V3 for my lowrance units. I have a 5500C global maps unit and a LCX20. It works in both units and they are about the same vintage. Make sure you are up to date on your software. Note that the chip will probably not show up in your maps list. It will just start reading it. In my opionion they are the best maps out there. The detail is awsome To bad Johnson outdoors bought them and made their maps exclusive to HB:mad:. Below is a link to the down loads for your unit. http://www.lowrance.com/Products/Marine/Large-Screen-SonarGPS-Chartplotter-Combos/LCX-27C/Downloads/
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