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Everything posted by BlueCollarOutdoors

  1. The TX44s will pull a ton of weight like its not even there, and run way out to the sides. There are not any worse to reel in to reset/change lures/fight fish. I give them a 15 on a 10 point scale. I love mine
  2. I ran dipseys out 200 feet last year with a 250 copper on a TX44 board outside of that that and never got the two together. The farther out you can run the copper(away from the boat) plus keeping your dipsey around 200 feet (keeping it closer to the boat) will keep a pretty god gap between the two. To be safe when reeling in your dipsey you can reel about 50 feet or so without tripping the dipsey or just pop it right away but reel like a mad man for 10 seconds to pull the dipsey in closer to the boat before it comes up in the water column. I think the biggest worry would be having the dipsey really far out, and your copper on the board in close to the boat, and then popping the dipsey and having it come up UNDER your copper. Also dont pop that dipsey unless your driving straight for about 30 seconds so everything is tracking properly.
  3. Could someone that has the double rod holders/flush mount tell me what the dimensions on the bases are. The way my boat is setup I have my dipsey rods on a riser so I can get the holders to lay flat instead of 2 clicks up. Also how far from the outside edge are the screw holes? I might be able to take off my tit loks and re drill and tap the bases if the dimensions work out right. Thanks. With the tite loks I have to get an allen wrench and it takes a bit to move the position of the rod holder. I also like having the ability to run double dipseys or a single with a big copper on the closer holder to the bow.
  4. These looks very good and a good price as well. I cant get there site to come up was it something like $50 for the doubles and $30 for the singles with $20 bucks shipping?
  5. I ran 4 divers for 2 years before I got riggers and never had issues with tangles. I ran mags on 1.5 on the low divers with mono/8 foot rods and regular dipsys on mono/10 foot roads on the high divers. Inside rods were completely flat and high diver was one notch up. When setting the high diver I would just move up in the front of the boat a few feet and put it in the water and then wait til it gets outside of the low diver. Then set the clicker to creep out and it will stay outside of the low diver. If your not tangld in the first 20 seconds its not gonna tangle unless you make a wicked turn or your letting it out way to fast. I dont run 4 divers anymore but now that I run along meat rig we still use that approach at times. Stand in the bow and get it in the water and started and out away from the other gear then move toward the transom and set it in the rod holder.
  6. I did what IRON posted in his link from page one and 15 fish later it was just fine. No swivels just had someone hold the 100 feet that was still in the water in one hand gave me some to work with, overlapping about 8 inches on both pieces and started twisting. I went about 7 times in each direction and then clipped off the extra. 250 is now a 225 and was still catching plenty of fish.
  7. Riggers and short cores. I had a 10 color on one late season and it caught alot of fish but was not that fun to reel in to reset and didn't spool out on its own when deploying. I don't mind reeling a fish in on it.
  8. 4 flasher flies and about 4 spoons. One Scotty plastic rod holder. A bad year for me honestly I dont think I lost that much stuff the previous 3 years! But still a light year for 30 ish trips im sure. One flasher flies was because I forgot to put a snubber on braid diver after a re rig. Got hammered and was gone right away. One fiesty 3 year old on the first trip of the year made a late charge and managed to get under the main motor and the lift up so the line was in between the transom and the motor. He was flopping around dead in the wake right at dark and I couldnt get my pa to barehand him (single hook). I let up a little slack line and he slid right over the net. Bye bye founder pounder One spin doctor on the 250 copper found the ground in 90 fow are a hard turn on our way out setting up. One angry king ran into the other rigger taking away 2 flasher flies and 2 slider spoons/that one hurt! Big rip on the 250 copper one morning that almost sunk the TX44e, didnt check it for 30 minutes and well the spoon was gone Same rig 1 hour later wrapped it around the motor and poof that one was gone too Moonshine spoon fished wrapped around the downrigge cable, snap, gone And one fly that I had been using for about 3 seasons and it was so money I just never changed the leader line. About 50 feet from the boat one day there goes the fly with minimal fight from the fish. My fault completely.
  9. Please don't use them, they are terrible baits and I don't see how they would ever fool a fish. Except for these which were obviously not very intelligent! http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i351/bluecollaroutdoors/100_0209.jpg"] http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i351/bluecollaroutdoors/IMG_008666666.jpg"] http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i351/bluecollaroutdoors/IMG_0083.jpg"]
  10. Maniac thats a very interesting response. We have talked about doing something very similar with all spoons. Cover twice the ground get your baits in front of twice the fish and see what happens. You know they can run down your baits at a much higher speed that we are trolling. Do you care for any brand or style of spoons at that high speed? I have never fished into October out in normal depths like 100 to 300, but would surely like to give that theory a chance this year.
  11. http://bluecollaroutdoors.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/spring-brown-trout-sunburnt-with-a-chance-of-hypothermia/ Not sure if i shared this one on here, but this was me and brians first trip of the year in my little boat. Suprisingly I managed to trick him into getting in it again for salmon later in the year.
  12. Well dave if you still want to get rid of some of those flashers....I know a guy!
  13. Oh great Im in the "friend zone". How did I not tell you about this site brian? I have been creeping around here for a couple years. I have them so fooled, they put advanced fisherman next to my name.....silly rabbits.
  14. I went 3 days there 2 years ago. Seabreeze was a bust as the "captain" was very disinterested, didnt help us wiht technique at all while casting weapon rigs and generally seemed like he was just counting minutes until he could drop us off and move on with day. Move to days 2 and 3 with Covanna charters and he was on us right away. This is how you rig your crawler, this is how long you let the bait drop, reel around this speed and so on. Days 2 and 3 we limited out. Day one we caught about 8 walleyes for 6 people. I spent a full day using the complete wrong technique becuase I didnt know any better and our guide didnt care to expand on what we should have been doing. 30 seconds of coaching from Covanna and I myself had 12 walleyes the next day. We had his son take us the next day on his first solo charter and limited with around 50 eyes as well. I have heard seabreeze has a good rep and alot of boats so im sure there on the bite. I think we got a new guy or a caught a guy on a bad day. Just my feedback on what I saw while I was up there. Fyi, most boats dont seem to troll off the bat on erie. There are plenty of fish and if the weather and waves are right they will start you off casting crawlers and drifting. Most of them only move to trolling when the casting bite is dead or the lake is flat calm os you dont get a decent drift for the harness rigs.
  15. For dipsey just set it up and try to release it yourself a few times in the boat. Grab the line going to your lure and give it a couple tugs and if it takes 3 times to release it then its too tight! Otherwise just put them out 100 to 150 feet and try to release them. Reel them up 10 to 20 feet taking out any slap line and give them a quick short tug, if they dont release then there also too tight. Small adjustments will get them perfect and honestly after a couple times setting them out and tripping them to change lures or reset after a fish you will feel the right tension in your hands when snapping the release arm in. Better to have to reset it becuase it tripped on nothing a time or two than to wrench it down too tight and have your fish hammer it and rip off 30 bucks in gear while your learning.....
  16. If you make a hard turn and the dipsey on the opposite side of where your turning clicks a little you got them just right. The guy that got me started always said you should be able to take two fingers and lift up on the line just about the reel and get some line out. Otherwise its too tight. Also if you can remember, loosen the drag a touch when you get a monster hit. It will make it easier to get the rod out of the holder and lower the chance of the fish ripping the hooks out of its mouth. Too many times we wrestle it loose and when it comes free the rod drops back at the fish pulling hard and there gone right there.
  17. Riggers straight out the back. Dipsesy would go outside of the riggers, set them on 3 to get them away from the riggers. Especially since your running 4 riggers right away. Planer boards should be way outside of everything. In general the easiest and tangle free way it run riggers deep, dipseys a little higher and then boards highest. So in general rigger at 100, dipsey down around 50 - 60 then some kind of leadcore/snapweight/copper/whatever down 30 on the board. As you you get the feel for stuff you will realized this is not at all a concrete rule, but its a good starting place. I have run gear that will go down 100 feet on boards, just gotta know where everything is running around it to do so.
  18. 1. Drive straight 2. Let it out slow 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2
  19. I dumped a 250 of 45 pound howie into the group and it burned out another 300 feet of line before I gave it a yank and broke the flasher off. When you turn hard at the copper side of the boat, it falls fast!
  20. I had 2 hits on strips this morning that are 6 weeks old, have been thawed and frozen several times and even soaked in garlic and never brined. There are getting a little mushy but again the fish didnt care.
  21. I ain't always pretty...and sometimes it down right ugly. I think we pulled a 4 for 12r on this wavy, foggy morning. Meat rig was a healthy 2 for 6.
  22. The standing ovation. Sometimes you just gotta stand up and celebrate when the fish cooperate.
  23. Good replies by all. If I have a long line like a fullcore or a long copper I will let that out at 5 mph before I ever slow down to trolling speed. You get it out much faster at hight speed than at 2 mph. Some morning you will get hit right away and then your stuck with that board line in the boat until you land that first fish. Mornings I do my longest core or copper, then get both dipseys going out on the clickers and grab a rigger. *If something is super hot for you, get that in first first regardless of what you have to put out. But evening or morning, the first thing in the water for me is my 250 copper at high speed it burns out in seconds and you move on to the next one.
  24. Same crabface RV didnt get hit this weekend. End of the night and we took it off the downrigger rod and the split ring just breaks in half. Weird, its about a month old.
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