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tracker targa

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Everything posted by tracker targa

  1. i say do what you want as long as you have enough money.... get the charter fish everyday and live the dream bro:thumb:
  2. what are they calln for weather wise and waves for weekend
  3. hey all it looks like i will be ariving sat am between the two anybody have any advice where i should start depth wise probably launch from port sheldon north or south? and what setups are hot. name is hawg life you guys monitor 68 right? pm if needed
  4. hi guys i wanna fish labor day weekend i really like holland and sheldon but how isthe fishing around that time? or do i need to go north for good fishing? any input is appreciated ive never been over there around then thanks guys
  5. that is crazy i havent fished hb in a few weeks been goin to port sanilac might try hb soon
  6. very nice rig why are u selling
  7. hey guys i went to portsheldon last year a few times and did well how has the fishing been in the last week i just started a new chefs job downtown and this may be my only chance to get over there this summer and fishing info is appreciated or any other port recommendation is appreciated thank you
  8. steve sorry to hear about the fire try to salvage what you can i would be devastated if you need any extra rods reels or lures to borrow just let me know ide be glad to let u use until you replenish your gear:(
  9. i would go with the bigger one that is still reasonable for gas i got a 16.5 and alot of time i want a bigger boat plus better if you decide to fish a diff port wher it isnt so sheltered:thumb:
  10. mine is my grandpa starting me at a real young age and my passion for fishing has just gotton stronger over the years im 25 now and over the last year had a very unfortunate disease strike me chrones disease which requried 3 surgeries and at one point i thought i may never fish again with some strong will and a desire for the fish i fought through it i still have bad days but im much better and im fishing again!!!! just as good as ever every day im out there im truly thankful for it i will never stop fishing im very excited for the year ahead:)
  11. i catch a couple a year fishing outta harbor beach a big twelve pounder last year on a mag watermelon on ten colors of lead in 90 fow thought i had a monstor laker or a trporhy walleye till i seen the whiskers lol
  12. im pretty sure april first they put them in what size boat do you have
  13. brandon yes i use the mag dipsies huron is different than lake michigan the kings do prefer something lighter however u will mostly be getting lake trout and steelhead on your dipsies on huron
  14. i use a firetiger dipsey and a blue crome seem to work well i fish hb and sanilac quite a bit let me no when your out there we can swap info
  15. wat a joke some people are just plain sicks years of passion and dedication destroyed:mad:
  16. its ok bud the gf put me on a budget to the 47 diawas will be fine
  17. ali beydoun roseville, michigan age 25 experience over 15 years waters fished, harbor beach,port sanilac, portsheldon, st clair river boat 16.5 tracker targa i started fishing at 5 old at my granpas house in harbor beach everyday during spring and summer for jumbo perch and salmon and trout on his 22 foot starcraft i still love chasing fish on the eastside and do ok i make a few trips over to the west side each year i boated over 140 salmanoids last year even with some serious health issues and plan to improve that this year. i also whip at night on the river and want to start jigging and learn how to troll better this year for walleye. i ice fish st clair quite a bit as well look forward to this upcoming season as im getting tired of the cold usually its just me and my girlfreind fishing and she usually sleeps or just reads a book dosent even like to reel them in i hope to change that this year as last year one night right as the sun broke the horizon all hell broke loose every rod went off within 5 minutes some how between me sterring the boat relling fish in and her just watching and holding net managed to land all i have leared to do quite well fishing solo or with her lol:grin:
  18. hi i was wondering if the diawas would be big enough to hold 275 and 350 feet of 32 pound copper from blood run with a sufficient amount of backing any help iss good thanks
  19. hey i was wondering if theres a decent perch fishery out of port sheldon and also if anybody has fished in pidgeon lake and if so what species roam in there any help appreciated thanks
  20. these ports at times can produce browns i have caught a few at sanilac in the harbor last year and one day after a slow morning out deep i put on bombers off the boards and moved into 40fow and went 2/3 on browns so i think there is some around just a little tougher with gin clear water huron had last spring
  21. does anybody use dodgers and squids for salmon on lake michigan anymore with good succsess when i was a kid we used them on huron and did ok and my grandpas vision went and he gave me probably at least 50 0f them just wondering what i should run them behind i dont hear many people using them anymore.
  22. hi guys working on my gear well i got copper on the way from blood run 32 pound, and im gonna rig up a 300 and 350 just wondering wat kind of backing should i use and how long of a leader at the end and in the past i have run mono on my dipsey rods with decent succsess but here wire or braid may be better i would lke to stick with braid any reccomendations on what pound and what brand any info is appreciated thank you.
  23. i have tried single hooks to and never seen a real diffrence i think the main thing is makin sure those hooks are sharp sometimes i switch mine out with mustad hooks
  24. i fish alot on lake hjuron jusjually the southern end harbor beach and port sanilac and good setups in the spring are bombers fished off planers boards greens also blacks orange or gold dujring the summer jussujalyy 85 to 130 fow fishing between 5 and 15 feet off the bottom mag sppons green dolphin watermelon or lemon ice also a green jp slammer is good and dodgers and flies trolled between 1.8 and 2.4
  25. steve i havnt used them for salmon yet but i did run them at harbor beach for lake trout slow at 1.8 to 2.2 and caught a few on them even picked up a decent walleye im sure there good for salmon to
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