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tracker targa

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Everything posted by tracker targa

  1. Blake text me when you get some time
  2. Jeff, thanks for posting this hopefully all is well and I can fish it on my boat.
  3. Catchabunch or sherman I also need some..if the other guy dosent pan out shoot me a pm with any rods or reels you have.
  4. Whatadeal did you get my pm?
  5. You need to get ahold of me im not bs ing you I have proof I just need to hear from you

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  6. turf... the humps do have fish but farther north in the rocky water is better i believe.. my biggest huron brown was about 10 yrs ago 16 pounds got it in 70 fow on the bottom with a jplug should have a good amount of browns this year.
  7. probably not fishing shallow enough even in the heat of the summer i have had a couple decent brown days 3-4 fish in the 30 to 40 range...
  8. ralph i would say mostly stell cohos with browns and kings from time to time it has been terrible for lake trout even though i dont target them best day this year silver wise was 12 for 20 with 6 kings! reste were coho
  9. lost a big high teens king behind the boat today 2 steelhead and two lakers lake was nice rough last nite only fishe 9 to 1230
  10. no its fresh water livewellon and off i think jim may be right it is pretty crowded under there... jim do youthink i could disconect jt behind the switch? it wont affect anything else will it?
  11. last week while on the boat my aerator randomly goes on and off i hit the switch to off yet it still goes on and off so i disconnected the battery till i get help:confused::confused: any suggestions appreciated
  12. good job.. some freinds did good today with some nice eyes mixed in hoping to make it out sunday.
  13. cool i have caught a couple on lakehuron this year top eating fish enjoy:thumb:
  14. nice job steve... i was over there last weekend and killed em if you got a ss evil alwive put it out what size fish did you get?
  15. lake michigan mags huron regular junior and mini
  16. good job dave last night was awesome i found big fish out in 115 to 125 went 14 for 25 in about 3 hours 2breakoffs a bent swiwel and had to bring a 15 pound king in sideways on a 200 copper everything was in the top 50 for me
  17. ya i didnt think it was to bad and she has been in worse.. not sure what the problem was:confused::confused:
  18. fished yesterday 60 to 80 early, then moved out a little deeper around 90 to a hundred sending a thanks to dave ash for helping put me on fish ended up 10/17 300 copper and full core were hot mixed veggies and angry alwive. lost a nice king boatside that had a huge lamprey hanging on it had a laker a chunky brown a steelhead the rest kings. went back out again with my gf this morning for 2 hours and the bigger kings were around went 5/8 in 8o fow to 89 fow when i started setting up had only two riggers in the water and they both went the one went as i was letting the ball down he hit!!!!!! then i was fighting another and seen her at the bow pucking over the side needless to say lines were pulled and headed in hopefully i can get out tonight one more time.
  19. been fishing hb since i was 5 grew up during the summer on a cottage on the water im at 187 fish this year 25 are from lake michigan and less than 30 are lake trout and only ten pinks rest are from southern lake huron:grin:
  20. awesome week for you dave i will be up next friday through monday appreciate the info...ali
  21. hi guys im coming over next weekend if somebody that fishes out of that port could keep me updated on the fishing throughout the week im coming from the eastside if its slow im open to other ports where is i good port to try with decent water fairly close my boat is only a 17 any help is appreciated thanks
  22. top dawg any idea on how the fishing has been
  23. keep us posted guys im trying to get out by next weekend if possible gotta work six days this week somebody on vacation temps look good next week
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