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Everything posted by Eyefull

  1. I will be in Ludington from July 20th thru August 5th
  2. Sounds like fun, I will be in Ludington if time allows.
  3. I don't think it is new. I believe that they kind of re-tooled it to fill the gap between the Convector and the Catalina. They really went over the edge on pricing on the Cat, when compared to other reels in that price point. The Clarion looks like a really solid copper reel.
  4. Nope, Saginaw area. I am sure Cabelas would have one in stock to play with? I sell pretty much everything,tackle, line, even retail rods.
  5. Okuma CLR553LS $110
  6. Thanks for the question and the answers. I am doing the same thing right now (mulling over the CV30's and wire).
  7. I stay at the Baymont in Walker. $65 per night includes full breakfast buffet. Very nice pool and hot tub is nice after sitting in a booth all day. Lots of good food close to.
  8. Welcome Eric:thumb:
  9. I sent an email, didn't get reply?
  10. Leaving work at around 3:30, hopefully will get some time to play on the way home. They looking at 2 or 3 hours of snow removal.
  11. I just arrived at work. M15 was a graveyard of burried cars off the road. Most houses/driveways on our road (east/west) have 6foot plus drifts and the east west roads are unpassable even with an F350. I would say that we got somewheres around 8-10 inches, but with the other foot of fluff we already had, the wind had a great time with it all. 7:30 am, 40 turkeys out in the blizzard eating what I put out last night for the squirells:eek:
  12. Silver Streak Orange Crush is my steelie stopper behind a five color.
  13. I run meat exclusively after the morning bite dies. I run Big Weenie Pig Rigs and some of the John King stuff. I buy frozen herring (green lable) and brine them after fileting. It is availlable at many big lakes tackle stores. Riggers, divers always are very good meat producers for me, I haven't had much success off the board lines, but haven't really pushed them as hard as the other deeper methods.
  14. Probably, with that crew, there was always something jawdropping or funny being said
  15. It would at least make for a great thread?
  16. One of the things on my to do list for this next year is to put together a full bloopers video, just like my other annual collection. Should be a good watch and a laugh to boot.
  17. Terry said that you wanted some prices on some reels. Here is what I have presently. The Convector 30D linecounters run $65, the 45Levelwind $65, and the 55L levelwind is $82.

    Tony Childs

  18. Seems to be working for me I think. I have been loading up the videos, cabin fever and such I guess.
  19. I laugh at myself more than others do:lol: Heck I provide myself with a steady stream of circus acts.
  20. Kind of a blooper clip here. This fish was coming in very nice, just like a water skiing walleye. Then Newtons law kicked in and the fish dug its head and threw the hooks back at me. 8HLmszpB7q4
  21. After a couple of blooper reel attempts, I finally get one to stay stuck and make it into the cooler. Don had us on fish all day and Terry was busy dumping them in the cooler, except for mine. I'll try and post a couple of the blooper clips where newtons law prevailed.
  22. Don, Nice to have you on board. Don't hesitate to ask anything, lots of very good people here to give you the straight truth.
  23. Super glue is fine and the quickest. Like all epoxys, it won't come off that easy with super glue if you ever have to remove it though. They do make a hot melt tip adhesive that is sold in most fishing stores, but like many retail rods, it doesn't hold near as well as epoxy or super glue.
  24. Lots of great times with good friends all packed into one season.
  25. Take an exacto knife or a stanly knife and wittle away the epoxy around the tip top. Then carefully heat the tips tube with a bic lighter or similiar item while pulling on the tip top with a pair of needle nose pliers. Add heat slowly being careful not to overheat the blank underneath, you just need enough heat to break the factory hot melt glue used to secure the guide.
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