You guy's are nut's .........Only God can walk on Water! See you In the Spring, Want to try some Brown's I've heard the West Side is the Best side. Where and when? Is Kenosha Ok? or do you Start further South?
Hey JR, I might have one more trip in me this year. Jenn, said something about New Year's, coming/going home, I can't remember witch way to go. But I am getting pretty excited for this spring, for the Brown's
Any body heard from johnny? Phil, What do you do in the winter? Any Ice Fishing? Ken took me and the boy's out last weekend Walleying The boy's got board, so we called it a lesson learned.
What,s up Guy's, Took me awhile to find my way around, It's been a about a year I think since I've posted any thing. I'll try to stay in better touch. Thanks.
Hello, I'm back, But on the other side of the pond for awhile. It's been some time sense I've been on line, where is everybody? I could use a little help changing my password. where do I look?