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5 for Fight'n

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Everything posted by 5 for Fight'n

  1. Standard Orange walleye boards work fine for all lengths of lead and copper. I use 300 feet of copper and they work fine. Move the weight forward to the #2 position. Keep all your boards the same. Buy them at Northwoods (cheapest). Use a rubber band at the back, slip knotted to the line and then fed into the pin ewith the backing line to keep it from sliding down toward the fish if ithe board releases. I tighten up the the board's release to the max tightness and use braid (40-50#) as backing to give you a lot of line (smaller diameter than monofilament) after the core just in case you hook up a big fish that takes a lot of line. If you encounter a really rough day, just route the line behind the board's release so that it is impossible to release. If your reel doesn't come with a peg on the spool, put about 50 feet of monofilament on it first before the braid. Braid is so slick, it can spin on the spool. Monofilament will keep that from happening. 95% of my knots are palomar. It's the best as proven by knot wars on YouTube. As for tying line to the leadcore, I remove 2 inches of lead from the end. I then put a loose, simple knot in the leadcore. I move this loose knot up about 3-4" from the end. I then take the monofilament or braid end and insert it into the leadcore without the lead about 1.5". I use a sewing needle to help with the braided line. Use a good pair of nail clippers to cut the end of the monofilament before inserting. This makes insertion a lot easier. Once you have the 2 together, (2" of braided should be sticking out the side of the core casing, move the loose knot over to tighten on both lines. Wet and pull hard. I add a double knot on the end of the braided and work it back inside the core casing. This keeps it from slipping through knot. When reeling in your board, point your rod tip down, close to the water, this makes the board skip over water toward you and not dive under. One more hint/trick. To maximize backing, load up a spare identical reel backwards (leader 50 feet, lead core and then the backing). Fill the reel as much as it can handle and then reel it onto the reel that you want it on. Since a 20, 30 or 40 pound salmon will test everything in that system, you don't want to get spooled and loose a big fish just because you don't have enough line on the reel. Good luck and tight lines. Joe
  2. I plan to add radar to my boat (SeaRay 260 SunDancer, 1999) and my Lowrance HDS-8. I would like to have Chart/Map Overlay. My choices seem to be the BR24 (Broadband) or the LRA-1800 HD Radar. My use will be to just be able to safely fish/troll in the fog. Comments??? Please...
  3. I got my answers. First time, the thread and info did not show up. It must have been a slow connection or something. I'll be there (Grandville) for sure.
  4. First - Where is the Free Fishing Swap Meet? and Second - Are there any plans for a Seminar in Grandville this year, 2011?
  5. Shaker - A shaker is a fish that is so small that you do not need a net, plus when you pull it out of the water, you can grab the lure (with pliers) and shake the fish loose. This minimizes the damage to the fish. Thus, a "Shaker"....
  6. use a molly grease. it's black but will not spread where you don't want it. after you apply it (with a brush), wipe all areas that it got where you don't want it.
  7. Were lakers legal because of the tournament?
  8. I've been fishing for 8 years, 3 of them pretty hard (for a weekender/5 week vacation guy) out of Ludington. I have a mixed bag of gear (penn, okuma, gold cup (bass pro), mitchell, diawa, eagle claw) and it's all good. We catch a lot of fish and only had issues with very old, damaged or no name brand rods that came free with reels (Penn 209s for 33 bucks). But that's the fun of it. Give'n **** to the person who broke a rod and how we still brought in that 18 pound king with our hands and ball of leadcore wrapped around a cleat. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, don't. If you do, generally speaking, do and you'll have better gear. Go to a reputable sport's shop like Capt Chuck, Capt Gary or I hear D&R is good too. Unless you plan to charter, any gear will last years, just keep it out of the sun. Tight Lines...
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