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Everything posted by tltorrice

  1. I would be interested in some of the outings. Sounds like a good time.
  2. Nice job Ken and a good way to end the season.
  3. My adult kids and I decided a few years ago not to exchange gifts at Christmas. Instead we purchase one gift each for charity. We have enjoyed Christmas much more since we don't have the pressure of shopping. We get together for a nice day and a meal. We figure we have it pretty good no matter how tight money is, and there is always someone else who needs help. After all it is the season of giving.
  4. I am shooting the G5s also. I just hit them on a stone and they are good to go. Before this I used Rockey Mountian Razors and I would replace the blades after each shot, hit or miss.
  5. tltorrice


    Congratulations Mike. Good to get the pressure off and have some meat in the freezer.
  6. I have a few of them too. I have used them and caught fish on them. I like to mix them in with the glow program. They are pricie.
  7. I bought two Diawa 47LC this past summer for salmon fishing. I was not all that happy with them. I used them on my downrigger rods. They seemed too small. The crank throw is too small. I am replacing them with something else next year and will use them for walleye. I bought them because I have two older 47lc that are much better.
  8. Andy, I use the Walleye Boards 3 per side. I changed the clips on my two outside boards to a clip with a pin in the center of it. It holds the braid line better. I am not sure of the name of the clip but they are red. I also adjusted the weights on the boards 0 on the outside, 1 in the middle, 2 on the inside. I numbered each board so I could just look at the board to know where it is used. So the board that is pulling the shortest line has the weight in the center. The board that is pulling the longest line has the weight all of the way in the front. This system works very well for me however I cannot take credit for thinking of this. I learned it from Mike GLF. Thanks Mike!
  9. Ken, I have a smaller boat 19.5' Starcraft and I use one bag in rough water to settle the boat down. It really does a good job. I have not noticed any marks on the side of the boat from the bag. I have been using it for about two years now.
  10. I have been shrink wraping my pontoon boat for 4 years now. The snow slides off, it stays dry and clean. The shrink wrap is still in perfect condition when spring arrives. If you keep it out side shrink wrap is the way to go.
  11. If you remember this odd looking fish from our trip to Lake Ontario. Pat had it mounted and a little color added to it. It came out really nice. Take a look. Nice job Pat!
  12. I have 2 of the Penn GT2 330. One is two years old the other 1 year old. I like them a lot. I use them for lead core. The drags are very nice and they seem to be holding up well. I also have a GT2 320 I use for 5 color. So far so good.
  13. Contrats on the new boat Ken, can't wait to see the pictures. This is a lot like having a baby! You know, congrats & pictures.
  14. Welcome Terry, you are not alone here. There is no cure for this disease but you can find help here. I fished Oak Orchard Creek the first week of August 2009. It was my first trip and not my last. The fishing is incredible. I have not fished the river it will be interesting to hear how well you do. Welcome aboard. Tom
  15. Here is a 24# from my trip to Lake Ontario the first week of August 2009.
  16. Congrats Adam!
  17. Great Ken! Welcome to your new roll.
  18. Nice job Ken, it has been a great year.
  19. I had a bird like that hang out with me while we were in Manistee two weeks ago. We were about 5 miles off shore. He hung around for about an hour and actually took a nap.
  20. Nice job on the first kings Dougs Wife. You are hooked now!
  21. Love that Lake Ontario fish porn. Thanks Richard.
  22. Way to go Andy. Great to get out with the familey. I had my daughter on board this past weekend and really enjoyed it. She out fished all of us!
  23. Nice job Frank, very nice Pike!!
  24. Thanks Mike. Growth is a good problem.
  25. Nice job Matt. We have not tried the SWR yet but after our slow day that is an option. Keep it up.
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