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Everything posted by EdB

  1. Thanks for the report Randy.
  2. That is one awesome fishery happening on the bay, nice job Frank.
  3. That's some nice chrome.
  4. Looks good Jason.
  5. Nice job on another fine catch Frank!
  6. Awesome action, nice job on the fish!
  7. Thanks Matt, great report. Got a grad party and wedding this weekend...aaarrrrggggg! It's killing me. One more weekend and we're up there.
  8. That's awesome, thanks for keeping us posted on Ludington.
  9. Good catchin there Ben.
  10. Sounds like it was a lot of fun Kevin.
  11. Nice catch Luke.
  12. Welcome to the forums Chuck.
  13. Great catch Frank and looks like you had a great crew too!
  14. Nice job on the eyes and thanks for the report! Looks like great seas today and forecast looks good for tomorrow. I was planning on being there both days this weekend until a big job on a hot schedule at work blew up yesterday. I had a customer fly in from NY this am and I'm working all weekend, helping her through extensive color corrections on her book. My fishing season this year has been the most screwed up ever. Once July gets here and I move the boat to Ludington, I'll finally get back to fishing every weekend and I got 3 weeks of vacation scattered around too. I can't wait. All the great reports are killing me.
  15. A good reason to put your name and phone on them. I have returned 2 over the years with names/numbers but also found a few with no names on them. I like those finds. I've lost em with my name and number on them but I had one of mine returned. I lost it with copper, board and spoon. My neighbor in Ludington snagged and returned it the same day. What's the odds of that? He said they snagged the spoon end of it, got the spoon and started wrapping the copper on a pop bottle and were recovering it all nicely. Then they saw the board coming and were really happy to get some free gear until they saw my name and number. They returned it but said they were hoping for no name on the stuff to keep it.
  16. That's too bad on your prop, glad there was no other damage.
  17. You got some quality fish there Kyle.
  18. Depends if you like to fish for fun or work for fish? The older I get, the more I like to fish for fun.
  19. Steelhead, they contribute more to the fishery both open water and inland than the other species. The inland river and pier/beach fishery steelhead provide brings opportunity to a large number of anglers who don't have big lake boats. Kill the Lake Trout rehab program, cut the offshore stocking and put what's left inshore for a put and take fishery. The rehab effort, after all these years striving for it, is a failure......I know, the Feds will never agree to that.
  20. Nice catch!
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