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Everything posted by jgaul

  1. Nice job Jimmy!! Your firedog has been my best producer this summer!!
  2. 3 for 6 Tuesday morning. Beautiful morning. Missed first two before sunrise in 100 FOW. 45 down on rigger JP slammer glow firedog, 60 down glow blue dolphin. What worked? JP Slammer glow firedog on rigger 45 down missed 1, glow blue dolphin 60 down missed one, got one blue/silver j plug on 5 color picked up a small one blue bubble fly setup- back 170 got a nice one... Ended up with 3, 2 nice 9 pounders and a shaker on the core.... warm water still... fished 70-140 fow with 120 being our hot spot early... things shut off after 8 am... all fish came EARLY... tight lines!
  3. Being only my second season, I was wondering if this was a typical lake Michigan summer so far? I fished the June slow down last summer, but it seemed better this year.... Just trying to figure out some patterns so I can take notes for seasons ahead... Tight lines and be patient when the run starts!!! Lots of boats at those pierheads!!
  4. Fish with the gear you have for a season before going out and buying all the new gear! Time and experience make you a better fisherman, not the hottest new gear... (but dang it's fun to buy it!!) also, read this website!!! Guys know their stuff!!!
  5. nice job jimmy!! Hopefully life will slow down a bit next week and I'll be out a few times.... Been running your slammers and they have been my best producers!! Great product buddy! Great report..Thanks!!
  6. Blue/blue... Got 4 hits on it this am...
  7. Nice job! I was out there too, picked up a nice steelie on a 5 color watermelon. 120 was the ticket Friday.
  8. That's awesome Jimmy!! Way to pay it forward!! That's why we fish! Tight lines...
  9. Hey Jimmy! I have been in Canada the past week or so walleye fishing! I'm back now and ready to roll! Would love to go out with ya and learn some things. We'll see what this weather will do this week and weekend. Take care buddy!! tight lines!

  10. Yep, just adding my report here as well. 2-4, both shakers... Missed 2 nice fish on blue dolphin and then a blue paddle white fly... boy was it slow... fished 100 out to 240. Never really even marked anything. Time for Canada walleye! Sea-gaul on the side...
  11. Thanks for the pic!! Need to pick one up!!
  12. Nice job boys!! Thanks for the post... What the heck is a Craigs Christmas??? Sounds awesome what ever it is! Need to get one just so I can say it!!
  13. been doing any good?

    heading out Sat. morning. Fish are out DEEP down here. I will probably start in 170... That's about 5 miles out down here! sucks to run that far!

  14. Nice job Mike, I was out there too, not in the tourney... Boy it was Nasty foggy out there! scary having boats just "pop-up" on ya!! Glad everyone one was safe! Thanks for the report!
  15. Thanks for all the help. I think I am heading out Thursday afternoon to avoid all parade issues here in Holland!! I'll head south and deep!! I'll keep posting! Thanks guys!
  16. Like JimBobber, was out to 160 fow.... marked fish from 80-130. picked up a small steelie on a 2 color with a gold thinfin. Besides that one rip, nothing. This time of year, do you start to head out that far?? This is my first spring so any help for this time of year would be great!
  17. Nice Job Jimmy!! Nice chatting with ya out there too!
  18. Thanks Jimmy! I may head out Sunday.
  19. 1-1 this evening. One nice steelie.... Marked next to nothing out there. Worked out to 80 fow. steelie came on a wonderbread on 3 color in 50 fow. Went all the way into 20 feet. Great night out though!!
  20. Great job Nick! Hoping to get out this week!
  21. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=119&pictureid=258

    stupid question, but a buddy is arguing with my about what these are.... Browns or coho.... What do you think? We are new to this, so I have beer or two on the decision!!


  22. NICE shaker cruise!! Welcome aboard... Great people here!
  23. Nice night out.. Ended up 3-3 coho... 2 on a 2 color blue dolphin, 1 on a high line 30 behind the board in 11-15 fow. All between the sliders down to Saugie. 5:30-7:30... Not a bad little night.
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