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Everything posted by Rodm

  1. Downriggers are an important part of the spread, but with the water so clear you could get into plenty of fish with planer boards, dipseys, ect... I'd recomend checking the swap meets, trade forums and e-bay type sites. You should be able to pick up some used manuals at fair price and get back most of your money selling them if you want to upgrade. I have electrics and it's nice. Upgraded to them when I was rigging a new to me boat. Not sure I would spend the extra $ again. The little bit of extra work with the manuals never bothered me.
  2. Hi every one and thanks, The winners are.... 2011 season Waukegan launch ramp pass Ron Wade of Glen Ellen, IL 2011 season 26' boat slip at Waukegan Harbor Roman Myrdacz of Arlington Heights, IL Prizes being awarded at out club meeting next Tuesday. Meeting starts at 7:30 and held at the, Elk Grove Village VFW 400 East Devon ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
  3. It sounds good, but you do relize the Sea Shepherd franticaly runs around preventing the catch??? Good for wales, not good for salmon hunting.
  4. I've never used the Bullfrog system. I've watch the installation video and it makes sense. You don't need access to the backside. Jeff Miller from Traxstech spoke at our last SU IL meeting. He had the product with him and spoke highly about it. :thumb:The videos I mentioned can be seen on their web site and the product bought there if you can't find it local.
  5. Hi all, Do to a last minute change, Jeff Miller the owner of Traxstech hosted the presentation at the last SU IL meeting. I've liked the Traxstech stuff I've seen and used over the years and have been considering re-rigging to a track system. Listing to Jeff talk about the effort and design that goes into every product and having all the parts and pieces you usually only see in a picture there to check out was impressive. There was plenty of interest and questions about the Vector riggers. Some of this may be old news, but here it is. Unlike the original IL based Vector, Nature Vision jobbed out all the manufacturing and had done a good deal of "value engineering" that compromised the quality of the product. With no manufacturing facilities part of the purchase, tooling up for production had to be done from scratch. Considering the cost involved, reversing the "value engineering" needed to be done first, incorporating the best of their product features too. At that point, taking the extra time to add some additional features seemed the way to go. It's taken some time and it sound like they will be worth the wait. The list of what's been changed or improved is too long to try to list. Big changes include a keypad w/ digital depth counter, adjustable auto stop and some jigging and other features similar to those popular on a competitors product. Keeping them relatively affordable is a main goal too. No release date yet, but soon after the boat show season is over we should start to hear more about them. They'll be at the Chicagoland Musky show this weekend.
  6. Twekd1, You've come a long way since I meet you at an SU IL meeting early last year. From knowing nothing to a great show at the Chicago Yacht club tournament to you 2011 ice breaking expidition with HTR! We'll be asking you what to do soon! Are you going to the SU meeting Tuesday? Regards, Rodm
  7. Salmon Unlimited Winter Raffle Win a 26’ Slip or Launch Ramp Pass at Waukegan Harbor for 2011 Drawings will be held: January 30th, 2010, after the America’s Outdoor Show March 5th, 2011, after the Salmon Unlimited Swap Meet Tickets: For the launch ramp passes are $5 each or 5 for $20. For the boat slips are $10 each or 3 for $20. Thanks to the generosity of Waukegan Harbor, we have boat slips and launch ramp passes for the 2011 season! Two raffles, one slip and one launch ramp pass will be awarded at each of the drawings mentioned above. All raffle proceeds will benefit the Salmon Unlimited Conservation Trust and will be used in our efforts to promote and protect Lake Michigan and its fishery. Tickets can be purchased at: S.U. Club Meetings 2nd Tuesday each month Elk Grove VFW hall 400 E. Devon Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 7:30pm – 9:30pm America’s Outdoor Show January 26th – 30th, 2011 Stephens Convention Ctr. Rosemont, IL Booth #1007 S.U. Swap Meet March 5th, 2011 River Park Moose Lodge 8601 W. Fullerton Ave River Grove, IL 7:00am – 12:00pm Good Luck, and thank you for your support. Rules and Eligibility Requirements: All raffles run in compliance with the IL gambling rules for charitable raffles and local rules and regulations.
  8. Salmon Unlimited Swap Meet New & used fishing equipment sale and swap SATURDAY, MARCH 5th, 2011 – 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Doors Open for Exhibitors’ Setup at 5:30 a.m. New Location RIVER PARK MOOSE LODGE 8601 W FULLERTON AVENUE RIVER GROVE, IL 60171 ENTRY FEE: MEMBERS: $4 NON-MEMBERS: $7 CHILDREN UNDER 16: FREE EXHIBITOR FEE: MEMBERS: $25/Table NON-MEMBERS: $40/Table DIRECTIONS: Exit Eisenhower expressway (I-290) from the east or west at 1st Avenue. Go north on 1st Ave for 3.3 miles. Turn left on River Road and go .6 miles to Fullerton. From the north, exit I-294 at Irving Park Road. Go east on Irving Park Road 1.8 miles to River Road. Go south on River Road 2.3 miles to Fullerton. The Moose Lodge is at the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. EXHIBITORS’ RESERVATION REQUIRED SEND YOUR RESERVATION FORM AND FEE TO SALMON UNLIMITED, c/o JOHN SCIGALA, 2 SOUTH 173 ROUTE 59, WARRENVILLE, IL 60555 For more information, please call John Scigala, the swap chairman, at 630-393-3492 THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED BY FEBRUARY 5th, 2011 NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP: _______________ PHONE: _____________________ S.U. CARD #: __________ or NON-MEMBER: ______ NUMBER OF TABLES REQUESTED: _______________ ( ) IF YOU HAVE FISHING RELATED ITEMS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO SALMON UNLIMITED FOR THEIR MERCHANDISE SALE TABLE, CHECK HERE AND PROVIDE A PHONE NUMBER: _______________________.
  9. I forget the explination, but there is no longer a two chip program. They upgraded for the demands of the fishing public, but the recreational (non fishing) boater had no need for the extra info. It was a way to sell inventory off, but still offer the fishing public the new tech instead of outdating and throwing out all the inventory. It's less expensive now to put it all on one chip.
  10. I've looked at those and the trim tab mounted units. Both seem to be good systems. I'm just looking for a way to control my drift speed and boat position on a 28' boat. I wouldn't consider them as a kicker motor alternative for Salmon fishing. What is your intended use?
  11. I and everyone I know attaches the planer board at or less than 10' from the end of the leadcore. Your trying to target depth and avoid tangles. Whatever you do, do the same on all. Keep it close in MHO, the tail end is what matters most.
  12. The raymarine A70 is a great product. The HDS stuff looks good, but it's a Lowrance product. A local Charter Capt I know (Salmon, trout, bass, perch) went with a complete HDS system and has been pretty impresed so far, +/- 20 trips so far.
  13. To the Harbor Master, Port District authorities, the City of Waukegan and other local stakeholders, we want to bring your attention to the need and interest for repairs and upgrades to the Waukegan boat launch facility. Below is a list of complaints and suggestions we would like you to be aware of. We request the repair; safety and convenience issues are addressed ASAP and our other suggestions considered for inclusion in future plans. § We would like to have all ramps in good safe condition; this would require dredging, ramp repair - replacement and 2 new floating docks. § During peak periods of launch a person to direct traffic to avoid arguments. § A setup area / lane separate from the launch lane to let boats get configured for launching, wait for passengers, ect… without being "in line" to launch. § Try dedicating some ramps as launch or retrieve when things are busy. If it’s primarily a launch time period, have one ramp for retrieval so there is one available for the boater who has an emergency or problem. § Add help - rescue system. Many launch at night or very early in the morning. Often no harbor or launch personnel are in sight. Maybe a 2-way radio system, direct too harbor security and a very visible sign with emergency instructions and contact numbers. § The new Gate system backs up the traffic, add an exit gate to leave the ramp to the North for use during peak periods and when overflow parking is necessary. This would eliminate congestion. Have a machine to dispense passes in the prep area so boaters don't have to wait for people to fumble with cash, cards and waiting for approvals in the launch line. § Add or have a separate on water dock or tie up area available that would allow boats to go to warm up, load passengers... and/or for temporary mooring. It would be good for all if bathrooms, bait, lunch and ice cream shops could be visited without taking up a ramp dock. § Improve maneuverability around the docked large boats as you come out of the ramps. Now it’s very tight. § Marine radar – satellite weather monitor at prep- launch area § Add a fish scale at the cleaning station. § The opportunity to re-launch free the same day if there is a need to recover for repairs, lunch, etc… § If you launch and get out to find conditions too rough, the option to come back within a reasonable timeframe and get a voucher to launch again at a later date for free. § If you can't give the fishermen the parking or a path to drive by the fish cleaning stations, can you make an area for boats to clean up for the ride home and supply carts that can be used to carry our coolers and gear there? § Winter storage at main parking lot set up to remove boats from the north side first and sooner. This area has the potential to be a destination of choice instead of the increasingly avoided site it is. We hope that all involved will work together and with us to expedite the repairs and improvements Thanks again, I couldn't put everything in but it's a good list! Time and available money will tell how productive the meeting was. We will keep posting with updates.
  14. Thanks to everyone who took the time to help! We had our first meeting with the port district today. The help you provided gave our efforts the direction and support needed. Time and available money will tell how productive the meeting was, but great comments and a good turn out of supporters has made the piont, gotten there attention and the ball rolling.
  15. If that dog wants to stray to my side of the pond. Tell him, I've got good water, fine food and I have a BI heat in the back yard. Great home if he can get here!!
  16. You don't need the new Cannon to know depth at ball, just add an engineer or math teacher to the fishing team. It's worked for me, they're free and often help pay for the gas!
  17. Well I can't say I've read the whole thing yet, but here's my first reaction. New clean energy sources are good. I know many who travel many miles off shore to fish around oil rigs and I don't think anything that large spins so fast that it's shredding the migrating birds. To those who feel the progress souldn't effect the veiw from there expensive homes. I'd suggest investing in the tech. That way your view could remind you of the profits your making.
  18. Hi Steve, A little more info please. you mention the new gate system for collecting fees. Last years improvements and ask for floating docks. There are 3 floating docks at the ramps. Are you asking for a place to tie up for pre trip or pre retrival prep away from the ramp? Thanks to everyone, looking foward to more great info.
  19. You guys are great!!! I went to check my post to see if anyone stept up to help and BANG!! Great stuff! Keep it coming and thanks!!
  20. Hi everyone, I'll be working with a few people in an effort to get long needed improvements to The Waukegan IL boat launch site. Yes, I know you don't and may never be there. Please stay with me and help. You all have a favorite ramp, why is it your first choice. Let's keep location and fees out. Details please! Parking, fish cleaning stations, weather radar or attendants by the ramp? Anything you seen at a ramp and thought "this is great". We may get the big heave ho, but we're going in asking for a 1st class site and your help to get all the best ideas together would be great. Thanks, Rod
  21. Great info. Thanks
  22. Thanks guys. Favorite Bait shop, reasturant, lodging?
  23. Nice shot and I agree.I never seen to have a camera when that "I gota have it shot" is right in front of me. Looks like your rig had quite a shalow draft to get that shot. Thanks for sharing a great shot!
  24. Hi fellow anglers, I've already outed myself as being from the other side of the Lake Michigan pond, the IL / WI bourder. I've spent a little time over on the East side and I liked it! Advice on locations to visit and best times to would be great. Fishing is my biggest intrest, well just short of keeping the rest of "the crew" happy. So, info on fun places to harbor when the fishing is good and there are interesting things or events happening. What would you be targeting and how...wait I feel a cold stare on my back!!! I mean the most fun filled family adventure were I could probably catch a fish in my limited free time:jester:
  25. Polar Bear, I'm from the otherside of the pond. What to get across and try some of the great spots you have over there. I wish I had some helpfull info for you and well maybe it is. Anytime I hear someone talk about 50 hits and 15 - 20 boated, my mind just sceams "tighten your releases and sharpen your hooks". No offense intended! Best of luck this year, Rod
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