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Everything posted by offshore72

  1. Hello Guys I post a photo on one of the nice Salmons, my wife had a hard fight with yesterday on lake Vänern/Sweden This one on the photo took nearly 350 ft of line in the strike!!she was exhausted after the long fight when I had net the fish but very happy!!!
  2. WOW!! Nice Fish
  3. Thanks! Smoked salmon is a FAVORITE.......
  4. Thanks Guys for the kind words. I am a bit jealous of your fishing you have over there and the number of fish in your lakes!! I think your fishing are a little more easy "if ever fishing are easy",here it it some hard work to produce nice fish!! And I think that soon that we have a gasoline price/gallon thats higher then the price of Bourbon in Sweden!! Here is a summer salmon from lake Vänern in Sweden that my wife had a nice fight with a couple of days ago!! HAVE NICE FISHING ON YOUR DAYS ON THE LAKE GUYS!!!
  5. WOW!!!!!!!!!! that are some Trophy fish!! Great Fishing.......
  6. Hi Guys I Post a couple of photos from my Salmon and Trout fishing This Spring in Sweden are a few example!! Have TIGHT LINES on your days on the Lake and a Nice summer to you all !!! Jonas OFFSHORE/GARMIN. From Sweden. photo 1 are a Trout 21 lb the other are on Salmons from 23--28 lb
  7. Mike,The boat is really looking Good!! Ready to take on the BIG salmon and Trouts!! I am a little envious! I have the lake just outside my window and all I see is ICE!!
  8. No! not yet but it have take some time!!!!! several times to get in to the harbour again!! But when it is much drift ice, it can be a problem if the wind change direction!!! You must be careful and always try to think on the safety!! Yes LOVE the Salmon and trout Fishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish a nice weekend to you all !!
  9. yes!! The salmon and trout fishing on the lake is usually good when the water is cold. This day it was ICE almost 1 nautical mile in the bay,on the way in to the harbour. We spend many COLD days on the lake in the fall and winter, it is sometimes hard days when it is windy and it is ice on the rods,and your hands are very stiff.................... But when a salmon or trout strike then you forget some of the cold But we have also nice and warm days on the lake in the spring and summer.
  10. Photos from one of the last fishing days on the lake Vanern we had 2009 in Sweden This photo is on my friend Stefan on his way in the bay! His mate can stand on the ice beside the boat December 29 and 16 C degrees below zero. but what are you not do for the salmon fishing. Come on spring!!!
  11. My Fishing buddy always say to me that you must have a sense That you know when the fish will strike!! If I drive the boat and looking forward and he looks at the rods, and I often turn and then see before him and shout fish on take that rod!!!!,he say to me how can you see and know it before me when you mostly look forward!! I think like several others have write, that it is a part of the FUN fishing that you get EXCITED when the fish STRIKE!! an RUN to the rod Must it soon be SPRING!! Here in Sweden we have 3 ft of snow and the worse winter we have in years I think that it will take to at least mid or the end of April before the first fishing on the lake!! Sorry fo my spelling and wording I am Swedish. Tight lines to you all !!
  12. Here is photos of a couple Swedish trouts I have catch in Lake Vänern 19-20 lb
  13. What a nice looking boat you have!! The Tiara looks to be GREAT fishing boats!!
  14. VERY NICE photos!!!!
  15. THANKS to you all,for the appreciation for my photos!!!
  16. Very nice!!!!!
  17. Hi. Mike thats a Team secret!! "I am only Joking" A Big part of the salmons on this photos, have strike on whole baitfish (4--5,5 inch long) in a baitholder head,like the VK-baitholder, that can be tune to rotate in both narrow and wide rotation. Jonas
  18. Hi Mike I have post some picture in photo-corner/fish photos Jonas
  19. I post a couple of my salmon photos from Sweden. This is what I find right now,maybe more to come when I have the time!! This salmons on the pictures is from Lake Vänern in Sweden (frech water) that is the biggest lake and the most popular Trolling Lake in Sweden!! The record weight on salmon in this lake is a 30 lb Fish!!.With a 26 lb salmon I think you are on the list of topp 10 biggest fish. Here is photos on a some of the salmons I have catch from 22 to 26 lb In Vänern. Have a NICE weekend !! Best Regards Jonas OFFSHORE/GARMIN Sweden
  20. Thanks Mike for correct it for me/sorry I think I need some running in time on the forum functions!! WISH YOU ALL A NICE WEEKEND. Jonas
  21. THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR THE WELCOME Hi Mike I can not edited my post?? I try to get back the boat picture, the other picture of the salmons was a mistake from me!!!(should not be in that post) Jonas
  22. Hi all. I am new member on this great site since a couple a days ago,I am from Sweden my name is Jonas, and Team OFFSHORE/GARMIN Nice to read about your good fishing and your great fishing skills over there,I will drop by your website sometimes. And maybe write something,it take some time for me to write english, and sorry for my spelling!!! I think that I am just a little better at fishing than to write english!! TIGHT LINES TO YOU ALL ON THE LAKES!!!! Best Regards Jonas Team OFFSHORE/GARMIN Sweden. I attach a couple of photo of my boat and about my equipment. In Sweden we use I think smaller boats than you use,and more easy moveable. We have in Sweden another(expensive) price level on Boats/equipment and special on the gasoline PRICE!! On my 22`Beason boat I have: a Suzuki DF 175 hp Electronics: Garmin: 4012 and 3010c screens with GSD sonar, GMR 18 Radar, and GHP 10 Autopilot. The Pro-Troll black-box, scotty downriggers, Traxstech rodholder and tracks. and so on...
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