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Everything posted by offshore72

  1. Very NICE photo...
  2. I troll much with drift socks and in 1,5--2,1 knots and the Garmin AP works GREAT for me.... I have had the Garmin AP in my boat for the past 1½ year.
  3. I have had the Garmin GHP 10 in my boat for 1½ years now and it works GREAT I am very satisfied with it had Raymarine and simrad AP (hydraulic steering) in some of my prior boats but Garmin is the best I have use. But is hydraulic steering AP I talk about, have never use a cable AP That the question really was about....
  4. Hello I post one more Swedish salmon photo(If you guys not are tired of my photos??) This is on one of the Six Nice salmons I catch on my fishing this Saturday on Lake Vänern. THIGHT LINES....
  5. NICE!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
  6. Hi Mike We have a limit of three fish a day and person and a length minimum of 24 inch But I personally usually release fish thats are 24 inch and some more< (i like big fish) (exception on competition) We have not in the near the quantity of fish you have in your lakes! Here in Sweden the government dont understand what money it is in sportfishing,and we have profession net fishermans that fish the lakes...
  7. HI I now that you Guys like photos on Brown-Trout so I post a photo on a Brown-Trout from todays fishing on the lake! the other were Salmons today!
  8. Hi Thanks!! Joel this time of year I mostly use hole bait fish in a baitholder, like the VK baitholder with small lead weight on at the surface rods and on the downrigger behind a flasher like the VK and Michigan stinger/Pro-Troll flasher "10-30" feet down. speed below 2 knots quickly describe in very few words I am a little busy right now, so sorry guys for the short reply.and spelling Have a Nice Weekend to you all....
  9. Hello Guys The fall-winter season slowly beginning to start up salmon and brown trout fishing on the Lake. It is sommetimes cold in Sweden but only the ice end the season not before!! and I hope not before end of December. Here is a couple of photos from my most recently days(this week) on the lake,it is on a couple of Salmons, Of Several nice fish in the boat this week!! (sorry for my spelling) THIGT LINES........
  10. Thanks for sharing
  11. I shift from Cannon to Scotty electric downriggers for 8 years ago and the scotty have work fine,but are thinking about changing to the New Traxstech downrigger ahead.
  12. Welcome!! this is a very nice forum...
  13. Welcome Steve!!!
  14. Nice video.....Thanks for sharing.
  15. WOW!! Thanks for sharing...
  16. WELCOME!!! this is a nice forum...
  17. NICE!! Thanks for sharing...
  18. very nice !!!!!!!!!
  19. Do not leave your plan and choice of físhing area for the day too soon......
  20. THANKS for the appreciation for the salmon photos!!!! Unfortunately are not al fish that Strike salmon/Trouts Here is Susanne with a Big Pike that strike a Downrigger bait this day!! It was Heavy to hold up for her!! TIGHT LINES........
  21. WOW!!!! Very....................Nice !!!!
  22. Very NICE fish.........
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