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Everything posted by usmcpaul

  1. I have an older GPSMAP and it has been a great unit so far. I think its a 231??? Anyhow, here is a site that I have heard good things about, however I have never actually dealt with them myself. Its called www.thenerds.net They seem to have pretty good prices.
  2. I recently installed an 8ft. Shakespeare Galaxy 6db antenna on an older'ish radio and I have been extremely happy with it. I was very careful to cut the antenna to the proper length. I have heard that this step is very important. Do a search and you will find the formula for cutting it to the proper length. I have been able to transmit and receive up to 7 or 8 miles with it so far. I think I paid $110.00 delivered, from ebay.
  3. I have no actual experience with any of the above...however, from what I have read a through hull is very good. Just remember there is a difference between a "shoot-through hull" and a "through-hull". The former is not as well liked and from what I hear does not work well on Aluminum boats. Basically you mount(glue) it to the bottom of the hull and it shoots the beam through the hull. The latter supposedly works well, however you have to cut a hole in the boat to mount it. Like I originally said, please take my advice with a grain of salt.
  4. Thanks fella's, I am now pretty sure that I am running the boards too close and then when I turn it gets tangled. I am going to try all your suggestions next week.
  5. They look to be about 30 feet from the boat. I have been using my thumb to let them out? I wonder if I have been taking the turns too sharp?
  6. Hey guys, I am trying to run Dipsy's and all I ever end up getting is a big tangled mess. WTF!!!! I am running lead on inline boards and every time I throw a Dipsy in it gets tangled with my lead. My inner boards (closest to boat) are 6 or 7 core and my dipseys are set to #2 either left or right depending on what side I put them out of. I have tried a #0 and #1 diver and it makes no difference. Just yesterday I put the big one out and let out 150 ft of line, it should get down to 60 feet. I dunno maybe it does, but when I reel it in; sure as sh1t, it is all wrapped up around my lead. How far to the sides do these things travel? Maybe they are getting tangled as I let them out by running into the lead before they get to max depth. In case it matters I am using 50 pound Power Pro, and generally I am going about 2.4 SOG. Another possible cause is when I let out the lead after checking the lines, I generally let them out straight off the stern, so I suppose its possible to have the lead cross the dipsy line, but I thought the dipsey line would be too deep for that to happen? Any thoughts, pointers or detailed methods of running DD's would be very much appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the reports Ken. I follow them quite closely because I am going to up there July 24th to Aug. 1st with my Dad and brother. We have never been up there before so I am looking for some pointers.
  8. I would like to say thanks to Phil and Adam for taking Katie and myself out yesterday. We had a nice day on the water and I learned a few things. Unfortunately it cost me 1500 dollars because I now want an autopilot. Thanks guys.
  9. I tend to agree. The 3-M 4200 I spoke of is supposed to be removable (Although I have never tried) and the 5200 is the non-removable and takes a while to cure. For what its worth, my friend owns a Marina and his mechanic highly suggested the 4200, they use it for all of their thru-hull fittings. I got mine from West Marine, but I am sure there are other Marina supply stores that carry it. I would advise against silicone because it is not rated for under the waterline usage. The 2 above adhesive/sealants are. They are not cheap either, about 15 buck for a small tube.
  10. I am not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, but it sounds like 3-M 4200 or 5200 is in order. They are both rated for below the water line adhesives.
  11. I'm all over that....Where do you get them?
  12. A little late for the report, but we did ok. Not too much for size (2-7 lbs) but we went 7 for 10. Greens or Blue and chrome seemed to get most of them. Got them 30 feet down over 150 fow at 2.4mph at the ball. We would have gotton more, but we had 2 shakers on for who knows how long:D Thanks for all your help, and a special thanks to Phil for giving me some direction. We had a good time, especially for an inexperienced crew and captain. I sure wish we had the number of Kings in Huron that you all have. Leaving at 0200 and coming back the same day makes for a very long day. I tried a dipsy with a Dodger, but it got tangled fast so I decided to stick with lead. P.S. I hate reeling in 10 color, I am going to try and find some other way to get the line down:o 4,5,and 6 colors were ok to reel in, but more than that was too much work. I really enjoy getting them off the rigger, that seems to be my favorite.
  13. Thanks. I went put and got a couple glow Bloody nose's in reg and Mag and a couple of Mag Monkey pukes.
  14. I suppose I will have to go with the Moonshine then, because I doubt I will be able to find anything open when I roll through. Any thoughts on size?
  15. I am headed out to pick up a few spoons in a few hours, so do you all suggest Mags, or regulars? I have quite a few regulars but only a few Mags.
  16. Jim about how far south are these sand dunes? We are leaving here at 0200 cause we want to have the line in the water at sunrise, so I don't think I have enough stamina to make it into the evening. I will go out and get a few of those spoons today. I will definitely call out to Phil, although I don't have a name for the boat yet, maybe Lord Vader??????
  17. Ok, I think I finally found it on google maps. It is on the north side of the lake. Any thoughts about my fishing plan or suggestions on changes to the program?
  18. Thanks Nick, I thought the DNR launch was in the state park? So I guess I am wrong. So is it by Parkside Marina? I only have google maps to go by, and they only show Parkside on the north side, and do not show a DNR launch. Is it on the south side? I do not have a chip for that area.
  19. Hey guys. I am going to be making a trip out your way (west)this Thursday if the weather holds and I need a little help or advice for fishing out of Holland. Sorry for the laundry list, but it's 3.5 hours away and I probably wont get to go out there very often so I need a little help to try and make this trip count. 1. Where would you all try first? I am thinking of heading out straight west to 70 fow and then dropping lines and trolling out deeper? 2. Is there a DNR launch and where is it? If not then where is a good place to launch from? (Edit: it looks like there is one in Holland state park, is this true?) 3. We have 3 guys going so I am planning on running 6 in-lines with lead-core and spoons, then 3 down riggers with spoons. I have about 5 j-plugs and one small dipsy all of which I have never used. I might try them? 4. Does anyone ever use body-baits like Bomber Long A's or Reef Runners? I have a bunch of them. 5. Any super hot colors that are a must have? I have green and blue dolphins, monkey pukes, kervorkians, Micheal Jackson's, and a bunch more that I don't know the names of. 6. I plan on starting out trolling at 2.5 mph at the ball? 7. Any nets to be cautious of, and are they marked well? On my 74 Slickcraft, I have an older, but good working GPS, a good working VHF radio, an old sh11ty Lowrance X70a (that has about 7 working pixels:thumb:), a new Cannon Speed and Temp probe and 2 new Beefy bags to slow my troll if needed. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  20. Glad to hear everything is working for you Frank. I hope your ankle feels better, I know exactly what you are talking about, I have more pins in my body than a voodoo doll. I have found that taking 10 minutes a days to do those stupid little exercises they showed me in therapy really does help, so you might want to try working on your ankle. ( I guess they are not so stupid)
  21. This was my first time out of LBM. First off, I liked the Marina. It seemed well laid out and the bait shop was well stocked and the people were nice. I also like the fish cleaning station. It is very nice to have a place to clean your catch. Which, by the way, brings up another point...fish. We launched at about 0930 and went straight east for about 3-4 miles and dropped lines in 16fow. It was pretty rough but we had our first fish within 10 minutes. In total we went 7 for 11. Not very big only 2-4 pounds, but fun none the less. As soon as the wind stopped (about 1230), so did the fish. Caught them on 2 oz. bottom bouncers off the boards and color did not matter. Speed was about 1.9 but it was very difficult to get accurate reading with the waves throwing us around. I freakin dropped my new line counter rod and reel into the water, but luckily the board caught another board and I was able to retrieve it (just barely). And to make it even more difficult, I had a fish hit the line and had to net him while trying to reel in my gear (yes it was the same line that my gear was tangled with). So, it was a very nice day out on the water, got 7 fish, lost no gear, and had a blast.
  22. Trust me guys, I am not happy about the 'no Salmon' thing in Huron...I am not exactly a "the glass is half full" kind of guy. But I am not going to just sit here and bitch, and that was not the intent of my post. I don't have nearly the same amount of money invested as some, however, my new plan is to fish Saginaw bay for walleye most of the time and go west 4 or 5 times a year until it picks up again around here. I am no expert, however I agree with the "cycle" theory. So for now I will clean Saginaw bay out of walleye and wait for the return of the Kings. And if that never happens, I will start reloading for my 12 gauge and then start shooting Asian carp....Think about it; It might be kinda fun hanging off your gunwale doing 20 mph, with an auto-loader shooting them as they jump out of the water.
  23. After 'map questing' both Linwood and the Bay City launches I think I am opting for Bay City. They are within 1 minute of each other and I already have the pass. Now I need to go out and get some harness's. Any suggestions?
  24. Yep, after looking a the map, Linwood or Bay city is were I will try. Are there any decent DNR launch's in these areas? I bought the seasonal pass and would like to get my moneys worth out of it.
  25. Hey guys, I am going to try Saginaw Bay this week with my dad. I have never fished it before so I need a little help getting started. First, are there any good places to start on the south side near Sebewing? I live much closer to this side so it would easier on gas of I could put in around here. Also, what would you all try for this time of year cranks or crawler harness's? Jigging is not in my arsenal yet, because I don't have a small enough motor to keep me vertical, only the big motor and 2 beefy bags to slow me down. If you are using harness's, do you use worms or minnows as bait. I have a few bottom bouncers, but I have never used them (they are only there to scare the fish and make me look like I know what I am talking about:lol:).
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