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Everything posted by steeliebob

  1. I had to get off from the ice on Saturday in the UP as runoff was taking it out pretty fast. It is supposed to be cold enough to get back out on Saturday again. It will be fun fishing for steelies with all of the fresh runoff. My guess is that they will be on the move and that should provide alot of action.
  2. Are you fishing for lake trout or steelhead? I do lots of steelhead fishing through the ice in the EUP. Mabey something that I can help you with.
  3. Try smoking the salmon in the summer then canning it in pint jars. It is not quite as good as fresh smoked salmon but pretty close and it is real nice that you don't have to mess with a smoker in the winter. The canned smoked salmon goes great in dips like this one.
  4. The winner of the raffle was Christine Krzyszton of Traverse City MI
  5. I have fished there a few tines with the "Wildabeast" and had full coolers. I would love to get back there but $200 gas $200 motel and $100 beer and food makes it a bit expensive. Nice to hear that the fishing is still good there.
  6. Congratulations on the nice salmon. Don't let PETA see that picture or the whale protectors will move their boats into the great lakes.
  7. We have an excellent salmon fishery in St Ignace one thing that you will find very little of is the alewifes. I hate to prove the DNR wrong but the salmon up here are feeding on smelt, sticklebacks, whitefish, and shiners. Very seldom if ever do you find one with an alewife in its belly. I think that the salmon will rebound big time in Lake Huron due to the amount of shiners and shad available. Part of why they disappeared was due to the excess amount of weirs catching all of the spawning salmon. Then VHS hit them hard but they all were hatchery fish and very few that were naturally reproduced. The DNR set Lake Huron up for the disaster that happened. Nice to hear the good news on L Michigan though.
  8. We had them so bad in the UP yesterday the lake was covered with them. It sure made fishing miserable.
  9. As it gets warmer the walleyes will move in a little better. The best time to fish is from midnight to 6 am.
  10. The eyes fear you Frank. They are really shaking when there is waves on the bay.
  11. Tickets are $5 each Make a check or money order payable to the March of Dimes, no papal. Mail it to Farmers Insurance 6 E Spring Street St Ignace Michigan 49781. The drawing date is July 1 2012. You choose fall, winter, or spring fishing. The fall and winter steelhead fishing up here can be truely an experience. One winner takes all of the gear plus two guided trips. All ticket sales will stop once 250 tickets are sold to keep it at a minimum
  12. I have 160 tickets left. Once 250 are gone I won't sell anymore. Plus I donate $10 worth of tackle to the tackle box for every $100 worth of tickets sold. If you are a steelhead fishermen the rod reel and tackle alone are worth buying a couple of chances.
  13. If you are interested in purchasing tickets you can send me a pm or leave a post
  14. Each spring I do a project to benefit the March of Dimes. This year I am going to raffle off an Okuma Connisseur 91/2 foot steelhead spinning rod with a matched Okuma ignite IT-40 reel and a tackle box full of steelhead fishing gear. Bonus I will donate $10 worth of gear to the tackle box for every $100 of tickets sold up to $120 additional gear. The gear alone will be a $300 vlue and I will throw in two guided fishing trips on an EUP or NLP blue ribbon steelhead river. Your donation is tax deductible. Only 250 tickets will be sold. Make your check payable to the March of Dimes and mail it to Farmers Insurance 6 E Spring Street St. Ignace, Michigan 49781. Please include a phone number. The drawing date will be July 1 2012
  15. An alternative to high gas prices. Looks like fun too.
  16. I just happened to have a couple of fresh caught 10 pounders in the freezer waiting for the BBQ.
  17. Congrats on the nice eyes.
  18. I believe that 5 fish were turned in this year that hit 30 pounds (Chinook Salmon) all 5 were caught in rivers. Interesting. Due to the fact that I was running late for work I never had mine certified, photographed, or entered it in the master angler contest but it was also caught in a river. I also landed 2 at 24 pounds 1 at 25 pounds and 1 at 26 pounds. Those fish were all caught in September out in the big lake. I would bet that real soon N Lake Huron will cough up a state record king.
  19. I hope that the Tigers start out like that.
  20. I know that there is one brown trout in the EUP it is 19 inches long I caught and released it in January. It will probably have to go to St Joe to find a mate. I can only hope that they honeymoon in the up.
  21. Welcome to the site Bill.
  22. Great weather to be fishing in March...cannot believe that I was ice fishing 9 days ago. I am looking forward to the first day on the great lakes. It is nice to watch a couple of poles go off. Nice Laker too bad that you missed on the king. Those smaller fish make great fish for the smoker.
  23. The first run out of St Ignace last year produced 4 kings and one Atlantic Salmon. Nothing over 8 lbs but some nice little fatties. That run was on May 15. I think that we were out about 4 hours lead core and a nk spoon produced 3 of the fish. The other two came off the downriggers.
  24. I don't know how they are on Erie but I know that they seem to hang around the stream mouths from September right through May in Michigan and Wisconsin. Gool Luck.
  25. The spot that I was ice fishing at on Sunday is now open water. It is amazing how fast that it goes.
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