I'm growing very weary of statements regarding the inefficiency of the Fed; state gov'ts telling the fed to stay out of their lives' leave us alone,I'm staying here,nobody tells me to leave my home. I don't need no dang help! etc,etc. Then when Texas is burning down or a hurricane hits a coastline we listen to these same people asking where the national guard is, where's FEMA? Where do we apply for billions in federal aid? I would encourage these people to wait for "private enterprise" to come to their rescue. News flash!! You would still be standing on your roof if you depended on "private enterprise" to come to your rescue. As for people who continue to build on flood plains, people who build on mountainsides and mudslide down the hill while sitting at their kitchen table, people who build homes on the coast where hurricaines blow down their homes down every other year; you may want to encourage improvements in the Feds response,not their elimination.