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Everything posted by tom

  1. No, you do not have to pull that 300. Now is the time to put that 150 on a walleye board, and run it back and around that 300. You can run both systems at the same time if you need to.
  2. Hope it helped you out.
  3. I've used them for 5 years. FANTASTIC! I use the walleye boards from time to time as well. Both of them are great trolling systems depending on the situation.
  4. Wish I could go. Gotta work that weekend. Any other seminars coming up? Went to Dave's salmon school last year . Super program!
  5. Back trolling was a common method used for walleye fishing when I lived in Wisconsin. You troll backwards, the transom of the boat slows the boat speed. This was popular before the advent of electric trolling motors that enabled one to troll slowly. Of course in that very strange state Minnesota, back trolling was illegal along with their one rod per person law.
  6. I buy all my stuff locally at locally owned stores. Sure you may pay a buck more for a spinnie and fly or a lure or whatever. If these stores are not supported you will find yourself driving 50 miles for a bucket of minnows. As for bigger ticket items if they are not in stock, the places I go to can order them and pretty much match prices that Cabelas offers.
  7. WOW! Your team rocks! What kind of spread do you run? No secret stuff of course,just some general info. What the heck is a Tiger Trout?
  8. I use Otter Boats all season. I like fighting the fish without dragging a board and a fish to the boat not to mention having to unclamp the board midway through the fight. If I absolutly have to get that 2-3 core back out then I snap on an in line and run it back and around the deeper inside lines on the Otter Boat.
  9. I'm growing very weary of statements regarding the inefficiency of the Fed; state gov'ts telling the fed to stay out of their lives' leave us alone,I'm staying here,nobody tells me to leave my home. I don't need no dang help! etc,etc. Then when Texas is burning down or a hurricane hits a coastline we listen to these same people asking where the national guard is, where's FEMA? Where do we apply for billions in federal aid? I would encourage these people to wait for "private enterprise" to come to their rescue. News flash!! You would still be standing on your roof if you depended on "private enterprise" to come to your rescue. As for people who continue to build on flood plains, people who build on mountainsides and mudslide down the hill while sitting at their kitchen table, people who build homes on the coast where hurricaines blow down their homes down every other year; you may want to encourage improvements in the Feds response,not their elimination.
  10. I tie them to a rope and cut the gills and bleed them out over the side of the boat. No bloody mess when filleting and the bleeding out makes for a superior product.
  11. cannon mag 20's
  12. Welcome to GLF!
  13. Don't diss the white perch. 3/4of the "Lake Perch" dinners you pay top dollar for are white perch the resturaunt pays $3.00 a pound for and charges you yellow belly prices. Used to be the Zander but you don't see them much anymore.
  14. Moonshine Flounder Pounder. 3 years in a row. Last year bloody broken nose close second.
  15. Welcome to GLF. Great site!
  16. welcome to the site.
  17. Hitting plugs or spoons? Going out sat afternoon.
  18. did you say something bad on the "other site"? Cheeseheads rule!
  19. Welcome! I'll be spending more time on this site as well.
  20. careful on the east end. it gets shallow.
  21. Fished 0930-1430 today out of Whitehall. 6 Steelhead. 3 on Steelie Stomper 2 and 3 cores. 1 on 75 copper Bloody nose then lost the copper on a missed fish that crossed the dipsey.Lemon Ice was hot again on DR 90 down in 170 ft. Took 3 Salmon 5-8 lbs. 2 Steelhead as well. Also got 1 Brown 5 lbs on lemon ice. 2 nice Lakers that we had to let go. Brats on the grill and fish in the box. 50 degrees and sunshine. Can you beat that? NOvember no less. 2 other boats out there. More than Iv'e seen in 2 weeks.
  22. Thanks for the welcome folks.Will be out on the big lake out of Whitehall through December as long as the weather cooperates. A few days of deer hunting and I'll be back out there. I see very few fisheman out there this time of year, but we usually do very well on the Steelhead and younger Salmon. I'll post what is working for us. 79 Tiara 25 "Mystic Won" out of Armstrongs. Tom
  23. I'm new to this site. Post alot of fishing reports on glangler. Lots of views. Very little response.Spoons were better than flies for me this year. Flies on dipsies not so hot. Last year the opposite. Still killin the Steelhead and Salmon as recently as last tuesday. All on spoons.Still warmer at 90 ft than the surface. Strange year. Tom
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