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About Maxum

  • Birthday 01/21/1962

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  1. Thanks for the great replies. Only been fishing 3 years and this is the first time respooling. I would have had a few more fish in the box and more tackle in my box if I had done it earlier!
  2. I am looking to respool my down rigger rods. Currently I have 17# Big Game on most of them and have lost a few fish lately after my line has broken. I have tried Spiderwire on one but always have trouble with it staying in the clips. Suggestions? What have you found reliable?
  3. Picked up 4 Coho today at Goulais. Michael Jackson was the man.
  4. I'm from Sault Ont. It's only 1+ hours to get to DeTour and your fishing report from last week had us hungry. If the wind is low tomorrow, I hope to try Goulais Bay north of here. It's wide open Superior there so you have to pick your day.
  5. Thanks to all for your input! I picked up a few copies of the 2010 Michigan Fishing Guide with the "Know Your Fish - Common Fish Species" guide. I plan to lamenate one and leave it in the boat. Spent yesterday at DeTour but didn't need the guide because we didn't catch any fish to identify
  6. As a newbie with a wife on board, we stayed in the sheltered channel around the slag dock. You probably saw us in an 18ft bowrider with riggers on the back. (I went shopping for a fishing boat with my wife.... and ended up with a family boat.) How did you make out yesterday? Where did you fish?
  7. No luck for us this afternoon. Dragged 2 and 3 colours with Michael Jackson, Blue Dolphin, Pink Panties, Caramel Corn, etc.... with no luck. Had most of the same running on riggers at the same time anywhere from 20 - 70 feet. The wind was high and we didn't venture to far out. Next time!
  8. No luck for us this afternoon. Dragged 2 and 3 colours with Michael Jackson, Blue Dolphin, Pink Panties, Caramel Corn, etc.... with no luck. Had most of the same running on riggers at the same time anywhere from 20 - 70 feet. The wind was high and we didn't venture to far out. Next time!
  9. Thanks to all for the feedback! I tied 50' of 15# flourocarbon on the end of a 2, 3, and 5 color and dragged them around De Tour all afternoon with zero results. On the end I had blue dolphins, pink panties, michael jackson, caramel corn, greasy chicken wing, etc........ It was quite rough. There's always next time I guess
  10. Can you pick a king up by the tail easily because of the shape of the tail or does it have less slime?
  11. On the end of my lead core, should I tie some mono first and then flourocarbon or go straight to the flourocarbon? How many feet of flourocarbon should be used and what pound test? Can it be as light as 14# which seems readily available? Thanks!
  12. I am never completely sure what species of salmon I am catching. Is there a good site with pictures and identifications? BTW - is a steelhead a trout or a salmon?
  13. I am never sure what species of salmon I am catching. Is there a site with good photo's and descriptions?
  14. I have a new Lowrance HDS5 - Lakes Insight version which has great GPS detail in US water but poor coverage in Canadian waters. Has anyone purchased a Navionics chip for the Huron and Superior area? Does it provide good detail in Canadian waters? thanks burmaster@sympatico.ca
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