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Noah Genda 25

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About Noah Genda 25

  • Birthday 12/29/1972

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Dirk Lewis
  • Biography
    I love hunting and fishing! I myself don't think there is anything else.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Hunting and Fishing, is there anything else?
  • Occupation

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  1. There is a hunting and calling clinic on June 25 at Lynch Mob Calls Shop in Erie Michigan. The cost is Free. you can see the info on this event on averyoutdoorsforum under duck and goose calling, or on ffwaterfowl has a posting giving the info on it. hope this helps you..
  2. great video
  3. nice job!!!
  4. I love it when you get a deal...
  5. I love having the kids in the fields... Had my daughter out this morning we was only able to get her one shot at a wood duck.. The duck was a little faster than she was.. but she still had a nice morning together. Fowlfighters.com
  6. Go get em, and shoot em in the lips....
  7. Nice work on the big birds...
  8. Great pics!!!! I love seeing hunting photo's......
  9. nice bag of birds..
  10. I love duck porn... ha ha
  11. nice shooting guys looks like you just flat smacked em to me..
  12. I agree with the guys copper is heavy but hey it catches fish. We run a 225, 300, 300, and a 450 all 45lbs howie. I plan on adding a 200, and 400 this year. The 300's were unreal last year with j-plugs and silver horde's.
  13. I agree with everyone else let the divers out slower! I have four riggers on a 240 thompson I would love to take two of them off and just run two but my dad won't let me. The only time I like four is early in the am. just my two cents not that it matters!! good luck this year!!!
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