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About Paperboy1

  • Birthday 01/30/1956

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  1. Paul, I haven't been out yet. I'll probably do a shakedown next week. It's early yet and once I get rolling it will be game on all Summer. I didn't start last year until the first week in June. We have had a lot of good years. It's cold out there when you're surrounded by water in the 40s. I feel better and work safer when the water temps are a touch higher. I just put 20 doz crawlers in the refrigerator.:)

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  2. Hello Scott...

    Have you been out of Au Gres yet? Might give Hubbard a shot this week.

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  3. Anyone know of some decent spots to fish from shore? Bay City or Saginaw? I've got the Tawas Pier up my way. Well? Thanks....
  4. Hey Grumpy! You been out yet? It was nice to see Janese.

    Hope you're OK. I'm hanging in there still.

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  5. I'll be glued to the reports here soon to keep my spirits up and my drive to get better fast. June 5th is surgery day Frank. Next year will seem like an eternity until it comes. When it does...cooler filling time!
  6. Hello Dave. My name is Paul Reins aka: Paperboy. I have ran a distributorship for the Woods-N-Water News for over 18 years. Many of the big chain stores from Meijer to Gander are our accounts along with numerous other stops throughout Michigan. Could you have someone from the Great Lakes Angler contact me about possibly distributing their product also. 989-724-8228 Thank you. Frank can vouch for me!;)

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  7. Hey Frank... We need to get together and meet in Tawas maybe for lunch soon. I'll bring down some of my famous sweet corn. No fish in the freezer. Need to get out after even some gills! Might try the docks at Tawas. I heard there were some perch being caught.
  8. NICELY DONE Scott! I'd like to get out too. My huge sweet corn fields are coming in faster than I can sell it and the coons can eat it! Fresh perch with corn on the cob off the grill. I've got to get some down to you Frank or Scott if you're in our neighborhood.
  9. Let's go get some perch on a calm day Frank. I'll take 'em home your bride doesn't want anymore.
  10. Shweet! What's the water temp???
  11. Just wondering if you've been out lately. Haven't seen a report.
  12. I'll get the Priority1 a peace sticker for the transom and some love beads to hang from the electronics. Cool man! Were you in the same spot as a couple of years ago Frank? Just incredible that with this heat those dangned walleye are still hanging tight to the Bay. Pooch is doing OK so far Frank. Thanks for the prayers.
  13. Morning Frank. Long night with the pooch.... She's ok though. Storms are coming. Good thing you called it. My sweet corn will be happy. BTW: Nice job on those tasty walleyes.
  14. :thumb: Nicely done!
  15. Nice job Frank! A little warm even out there yesterday?? How long do you think the fish are going to hang around with this heat? I might be able go another time next week myself.
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