yes a meat rig is cut bait. we run ryes davis head and herring strips. place hte strip in the bait head and hold it in with tooth picks. run this as a good starting point 60 inches in back of your flasher with 40 pound seagur florucarbon leader. theres the prerigged twinkie rig this is nothing but a head with 3 flies on the leader spaced out evenly. great rig. last year we ran clean with no twinkies with the echips . if just starting use this KISS method and just run them clean for a while before getting fancy. you want the bait head to run 1-1.5 turns a second in the water. you can adjust this by bending the fin on the bait head, the more bend the faster the roll. you want a corkscrew type roll not a big wide roll. you want the hook a no.1 or 1.0 treble hook so the bottom is jut above the tip of the tail of the herring. for colors go with 2 simple ones to start glow green with a glow green head and a glow white with glow white head or a glow green head. other good ones are glow blue and glow purple. sorry if this sounds difficult or confusing but it is easy once you get the hang of it. its easier to show then to explain.