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Everything posted by slickwater

  1. Thanks guys. Will full cores give me about 50 ft. depth?
  2. Now is Lowrance going to have to pay royalties on their side imaging.
  3. So if I went with half cores. What kind of depth can I expect?
  4. So it sounds like I need to decide on how much core I want to run.
  5. Well I am not sure how much leadcore I should run. Probably half or full core.Now can you put a full core on a reel and only let out what you need at that time. Like lets say half core one day 3 colors the next and full the day after.Rod doesn't matter I can get a downrigger rod for it.I am not sure on price yet just on the cheaper end.
  6. I was wondering what is a good reel and rod for leadcore. I need it to be on the cheaper side because funds are tight.
  7. Thanks for the info.If I do come up I might give you a call to see where the fish are at. I have fished there before so i do know a little bit about the area.
  8. If I were to come up there what size of spoons do I need? What kind of body baits are good?
  9. Thanks for the report. If I can get the boat ready for next weekend maybe I can get up there.
  10. Frank, that's what I am saying about the salmon fishing shows an a lot of the others. You just watch them reel in the fish and maybe tell you what they were using but not say how they did it.
  11. Mostly the ones about salmon fishing the great lakes.
  12. Don't you think all of these fishing shows should have more information on how they are actually fishing,not just show them catching fish.The techniques they are using and actually telling how they go about doing it a certain way.
  13. Smelt? Didn't think there were any left.lol
  14. I just updated my 797 si and now when I go into the sim mode the fish arches are only half an arch. Also not sure what the update changed?
  15. Sorry I didn't get up there to fish with you.Maybe next year.
  16. How fast do you troll for browns this time of year.
  17. Wish I had that kind of luck.What speed do you troll for browns this time of year.
  18. That is where we were last night. And was told to get off of the ice. Where we were it 14" but all of it was bad. The ice changed from the time we got there until we left in just a couple hours. The top of the ice was smooth when we got there and rough and bumpy when we left.
  19. The wind blew the ice up onto the the parking lot at the west boat launch last night, around 60 feet. We were suppose to be parked right where the ice is but decided to go to a different spot. As it was 3 trucks got push together.Where we did go the police came out on an air boat to tell all of that were fishing to get off of the ice because it was breaking up at the west end of the lake.The ice that came up on shore was honeycombed.And where we fished the ice conditions changed in a couple hours.I will post a photo in the miscellaneous section in the gallery.
  20. I might just use a different kind of paint.This stuff is to hard to work with.
  21. Well find out where they are getting them. Get yourself some single eggs and wax worms. Rig your rod with a egg sinker,barrel swivel, around a foot leader and a small long shank Aberdeen hook. They bite real light so keep an eye on the tip of your pole.
  22. Steeliebob is right. They are never to young to go fishing or hunting(well maybe hunting for a little while). My brother has been taking his kids fishing since before they where born. He still takes them when he has the time. One is 4 and the other is 2.Maybe this year he will let me take the older one salmon fishing with out his dad.
  23. I have been using my airbrush to paint up some spinner blades with this paint. But I am having trouble in getting the tip cleaned out. Because this is a vinyl paint.Any suggestions.
  24. Thanks. I have a bad back also. So I know just how you feel. We have got them at 2 different spots. North State Park a few weeks ago and this last time we went to the west boat launch.
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