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Everything posted by snowfish

  1. Nice catch, some good eaten there. Gotta be about 5lbs. of fillets:D Nice size perch out there. We got 30 yesterday(4lbs. of fillets). Water is low. Noticed when backin in to take out at smith, halfway out dock was deeper. If you back out farther, it slopes up a little. My trailer sets too high anyway. Won't be long they'll be in the agg. cut. We did get a couple nice ones in the old channel also, so they're getting closer. Come on cold!
  2. A little late, but filled out your survey. One thing that wasn't listed on there was the aquiring of your own minnows. In the fall and spring, many fisherman, atleast in the sag. bay region net or dip their own. Just thought I'd toss that out there.
  3. The map link above will show it. Zoom in and out at bottom of map. Here's it is to left(west) of channel makers. Its the 25-26' oblong area. The wavy lines starting at bouy 6 and running north are called the "fingers", another popular spot........ http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm?lat=43.7898149138&lon=-83.797729167&scale=120000&zoom=50&type=0&height=498&width=498&icon=0&searchscope=dom&CFID=946063&CFTOKEN=28905893&scriptfile=http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm&bpid=MAP0060030900&latlontype=DM.MM
  4. Here's a map for you to look around with. The little red marker in center of map(and bay) is bouy 2(red one). Haven't been out in awhile, but heard just 2 days ago of some limits of slabs up off Standish. Seems 16-19 fow has been good. We got them pretty decent at bouy's 1 and 2 a few weeks back, but haven't been out since. Heading out for last salmon trip this weekend, then its perch and eyes on the bay until Next year. Aside from the Whitefish,browns, and steel in Nov. http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm?lat=43.7254303202&lon=-83.7676234784&scale=500000&zoom=50&type=0&height=498&width=498&icon=0&searchscope=dom&CFID=946063&CFTOKEN=28905893&scriptfile=http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm&bpid=MAP0060030900&latlontype=DM.MM
  5. Out of those 122 left, how many were steel and how many kings? 50/50? Sounds like the steel is doing great, but the kings are slowly coming back.
  6. I don't remember a limit on them back then. But most didn't abuse the resource either. They caught for the table, and that was enough. I remeber back in early 90's when I moved to Bay City, they made it 100 inland, and still no limit on the bay. Then a few more years it went to 50 and 100, then 50 everywhere that I remember. Then 35 on Lake Mich. Too many changes to remember correctly.
  7. Nice Tony! Hope to get back into by October. Still trying to get a few salmon before their done. Keep on em.
  8. Always a great time on the P1:grin: Look forward to getting out there again next year with you also. You had a great season Frank, as always, the bay is a special place, and I'm glad we live so close to it. Take care my friend, maybe I'll look you up for a coffee sometime if I head that way this fall:D
  9. You can always give them away, I have a perch health spa waiting, free "hot oil baths":lol:
  10. Is this the right section for perch reports? It says saginaw bay, but has -walleye noted after. I don't see any general sag. bay forum? I don't see any on here, are they being posted in another area? Thanks, the bay is on fire with them right now, get em while their hot:D
  11. Keep up the good catchin Frank. You da man!
  12. Nice job on the island fish:thumb:
  13. Thanks for report, nice job on the fish:D
  14. I'd. like those hog perch to come back we used to catch over there. Nice pics, thanks for sharing:D
  15. Thanks for the info:D
  16. Excellent job on the bigguns! Did you notice any perch fisherman in the harbor or outside? Haven't fished there in awhile, but used to get some hogs. Those sound like some dandy eyes.
  17. Nice job on the fish. Good NE blow at Augres today bringing in some more colder water. Hope they hang around awhile longer.
  18. Thanks for taking me along Frank, enjoyed the day as always, and glad to have met a couple fellow fisherman that I never met before:D Great time as always.
  19. Great set up for walleye on sag. bay also:D
  20. Great job Tony! I think the lack of last winters ice fishing helped alot this year. Always many big ones caught then, and hardly no one got out. But I still want a good winter this year:D Keep hammering them, sounds like great size on the fish, they're getting bigger overall every year. If it keeps going, we'll be like Erie in the near future!
  21. Nice job Frank! Keep on whacking them.
  22. Good luck! Looking forward to your report. Can't wait for the ice:D
  23. Is this boat still for sale, and whats the length....18' ? Also I see there's snaps on the windshield, is there canvas with it? Thanks.....Ralph
  24. Any kings showing up in St. Ignace or Detour? Thanks for any info:)
  25. Here's a map you can use if you get some numbers. Just scroll over with your cursor, and the long. and lat. are on the bottom left. if you want to check anywhere in the great lakes, just zoom out at bottom, left click once where you want to go, then zoom back in. Left clicking will make that your new center point. http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm?lat=43.95635098978546&lon=-86.51169644632141&scale=120000&zoom=50&type=0&icon=0&width=498&height=498&searchscope=dom&CFID=1044821&CFTOKEN=39812606&scriptfile=http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm&latlontype=DMS
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