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Fresh spawn

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About Fresh spawn

  • Birthday 12/14/1981

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  1. Solid fish from Lake Huron there bro, nice!
  2. You can launch right at the mouth there, very nice docks. They've caught a lot of steelhead out there this summer, and more salmon than normal.
  3. So weird, but I've did just fine whacking fish on Vanish. I've landed kings, cohos, and all seasons of steelhead on it. I ran Seaguar flouro(4lb) back in spring of 2003 for the first time. I broke off two big hens at shore on back to back drifts at the mouth of the Au Sable one morning, and never used it again. All around, I like green Max.
  4. Although kings are fun, you can't beat a solid mixed fishery like Huron!
  5. Nice work! Does it seem like the atlantics are a bit behind schedule?
  6. Nice fish. I love LRB's, they're my second favorite to steelhead. I've got a 28 and 23lber, and a handful in the 15-18lb range. I've gotten to the point where anything under 20 no big deal. All my big browns were from the East side of the state.
  7. Need to hit HB, GS or PA; from the sounds of other reports, it's pretty decent. Kings, coho, and steelhead, and of course grease trout.
  8. Sure been some solid spring kings from Lake Huron this year, there must've been a fair uptick in smelt.
  9. Nice. I caught my first steelhead from ol' 9th st, always fun to fish there.
  10. Nice dude! Are you sure that bigger "coho" isn't a steelhead? Really looks like it, but hard to tell. The other two kings are nice spring fish as well.
  11. You boaters are boxing limit after limit every weekend, who eats that many? I hope there's only 3 limits in the freezer.
  12. Port Austin, Tawas, Oscoda, Alpena and Rogers City are all spots to try for brown trout in the spring in Lake Huron. We used to do great along the shoreline out from Singing Bridge, but haven't tried in years. The great thing about Lake Huron at those spots in the spring, is atlantic salmon, as well as steelhead are caught with the browns. They get a lot of coho around the Thumb as well, during spring.
  13. The Bay wasn't the only place, same thing seemed to be happening on the Au Sable last week as well bro, fish just seemed off the bite. We got fish, but all but 2 were after the storm passed. The fish in the morning were very light on the bite and felt like they were just mouthing it.
  14. Yeah, I worded it a bit confusing. I meant that as the Big Man is the only skam plant. I know it's the MI strain, just being specific. I believe IN gets their broodstock from Trail Creek and the Joe, below Berrien.
  15. MI only stocks Little Manistee strain and Skamania(Big Manistee). WI plants a few kinds though, and we get them in the NW here every year. I caught a pretty Kamloops a couple years ago in March.
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