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Everything posted by jsenske1

  1. Cleaning out the garage. I have the following rods/reels for sale. Price does not include any shipping. 2- Daiwa sg47lca reels with 8'6" JRS wire rods. Reels are spooled with steel $125 each 1 Okuma classic cl450l with 150' copper. Comes with Shakespeare 8'6" rod $75.00 1 okuma classic cl450l with 300' copper. Comes with 9' cabelas depthmaster rod $95.00 1 okuma cv30l with 7'6" Shakespeare rod. This has 3 color lead I believe. $75.00 I live in delton, michigan but travel to kalamazoo and grand rapids daily. Email me at jeff.senske@yahoo.com or call 269-762-9006 All in working condition, some dust from sitting.
  2. nice work andy, thx for the post
  3. I know i am duplicating threads..sorry for that, but i am looking for a gps module for my eagle 480. does anyone have one for sale? thanks jeff
  4. hello, i am looking for an ez steer system to connect my kicker to the outdrive. also if anyone has made there own, let me know how you did it. thanks
  5. I know there is a "manufactured" ez steer connecting system, but was wondering if anyone has made there own? if so, can you post pics and info or pm me? Also if anyone has one for sale i would be interested. thanks
  6. anyone looking to purchase a hard top boat?
  7. how did you mount your kicker to the swim platform? how did you hook up the steering? nice rig!
  8. i am having the same PROBLEM if anyone has the "puck" please pm me if you do..thats assuming greg gets his first! thanks guys.
  9. just noticed a similar post and responses
  10. Hey guys, i have an eagle 4..something gps/fish finder combo and when i turn it on i get an error message "gps not found and or recognized". I cant remember word for word but basically its not reading the "puck" any thoughts? does anyone have an old one lying aroung? thanks jeff
  11. i have a 96 9.9 i would trade for the 15 hp. its a mariner, runs excellant. contact me at 269-370-3087
  12. thanks for the report. be there myself tomorrow. blufin-call me at 269-370-3087, i'll be out at 7 am. in a 24' sea ray hardtop. going for salmon then perch as you are. I'll try to monitor 68 but sometimes forget to turn the radio on.
  13. WTG Andy. When are we going??
  14. Thanks guys, i like the hard top too, except when i hit my head on it, which is all the time. Just got a bunch of 316 stainless for a rocket launcher. Anyone TIG weld? Are you good at it? The trouble has gone like this for me this year, 1. needed new lower unit, had crack in the block-got lucky there, new shift cable, carb problems-quadrajet. yeah i know! needed a new cam. etc. it has been a tough year on the pocket book. Andy (2unreel) has been a reel help too.
  15. Fishsniffer-PIMPING AIN'T EASY!
  16. Boltman, that is really GREAT advice! thank you for that. I like your attitude and approach to business and life. i will use this. I hope the best for you.
  17. I like what i see so far. I too, am a licesend builder but haven't built since 07. Wheeler-what is your latest venture if you don't mind me asking? I have been in the const business for over 15 yrs, currently a project manager. would like to start a "service" type business.
  18. and no thats not a "radar" above the boat! if it was i would be able to see alaska
  19. This is my 79er! she has given me some trouble this year, but i believe i have them all worked out now.
  20. I am just curious to know how many small busines owners are on this site and what type of busines you own? I am considering starting a business and would like some suggestions, etc in this economy. How is busines for you? If service orientated (lawncare, construction, etc) have you had a sharp decline in business? How are you surviving? Look forward to the responses.
  21. Thanks for calling on Sat. Andy. We need to get toghether reel soon to fish! We hunted all day on Sat as well, Andy went North and I went South. Ended with a 19# king on green latter back-glow 150 copper, 9# laker on blue fairways fly-220' back and 9# king on green glow fly on rigger down 70'.
  22. i will be there friday night and saturday. give me a call 269-370-3087 jeff
  23. by way of magic...and luck I got the starter removed, new one installed. thanks everyone.
  24. yeah i'm sure, i checked both solonids. the floor isn't in the way, just the motor. i do not know why they designed it that way..oh well.
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