Had a Grand time today out of Grand Haven, almost filled the cooler. Trolled south all day to Port Sheldon. 10-10 kings and a couple fat ho's. 80-140 fow, 2.2 mph at fish hawk, big weenie spotted dick and blue balls meat rigs on riggers 72 and 80 down, UV spinnie and meat rigs on wire dipsies 120' and 57' dr, 150 copper blue flounder pounder. Couldn't get a plug to fire today. #wasabicharters
Grand Haven 7/23 pm
Smiths Bayou with 6 college girls, then fishing!
4/5, 3 kings and a metalhead.
75-85 fow in front of channel. Spotted Dick meat rig on 250 copper went 3 times, blue splatter plug on 10 color caught steel, white crush spinnie meat rig on dipsy 80 back caught the biggest king.