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Everything posted by nickoftime

  1. remember Mike it will allow the boys to catch more fish
  2. Great time Terry glad you had a good time
  3. I like it
  4. I believe the dive bombs are made by protroll and they do work good and come in weights from 1oz to 12oz in case your wondering
  5. have you seen the lake temps upper 40's already
  6. nice job hey Roger sounds like you may get stuck driving
  7. two here please black also
  8. Congrats Ken we're working on 21 years
  9. wow too much to list alot getting set-up for wire divers
  10. maybe the dog should stay home and play
  11. looking good will work well soon you will get to put them to the test
  12. how about salmon lunder
  13. Jim thats funny but you know whats funnier I was talking on the phone while I was reading it and kept coming up short of finnishing it got off the phone then realized it was just a dream guess I can't multi task very well:grin::grin:
  14. I would like to thank Mike for all the work you did the speakers were great thanks to them for giving there time. I'm ready for fishing time more than ever:jump::jump:
  15. Congrats Mike on the slip a little closer to home sorry don't know about the fishing there but can't wait
  16. rigger,rigger,rigger ye-haw
  17. Yes I do but don't know how to get it
  18. Thanks everybody got the manual that a member found on ebay for us checked out everything learned how to work it and wala it works come on spring good news its not loran signal it goes off compass bearing cool boat was even better deal pumped can't wait
  19. would that be good I don't know I think I found a manual on ebay waiting to receive it the unit doesn't work and the previous owner didn't even know what it was thanks for the help
  20. Anthony isn't that a loran signal and isn't it gone as of last year
  21. My brother-in-law works for west marine and he also says that they have had software problems with the lawrance units if this helps
  22. recently we bought a boat with a course setter 21 autopilot that we can't figure out and we don't have any paperwork for is there anybody with any knowledge that would help
  23. You are so right this is great website and thanks Mike for taking control of it your help is greatly appreciated and come on global warming so I can fish the lake all year long
  24. Don I think that would look very nice on a bayliner that I know of definately very nice you have great skill
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