in fibergalss cracks will usually come back unless you sand enough of the crack to increase the strength again if the cracks are big take a dremel tool with a small bit to the end of the cracks this will stop the crack from spreading farther. Also they make a thicking agent like cabosil its a fine powder that we use in the marine industry to thicken gelcoat or resin. after you prep the crack you should add fiberglass to the area to add strength. put the fiberglass on cardboard pour the resin on use a brush to get the fiberglass wet then put it on the bad area and smooth it out with the brush. make it as smooth as possible sand when dry recoat with just resin to make it smoother. good luck
Thanks for all your help can't possibly answer all the questions but thats ok seems like christmas in march good thing we didn't know about this site over the winter time would've gone real slow but would've had larger christmas list thanks me and my son
We are brand new to salmon fishing and have not caught anything we have got propably 7 poles that we aquired what do you guys suggest we run. What Kind of lures anything that can be of help. Thanks:D
Thanks for all your help 1Maniac maybe we'll figure something out I have an 18ft deepV with 2 penn625 manual downriggers on the side two rod holders each side three holders in the back am hoping to add a planer each side 2 penn rod reel combo 5 okuma magna pro 45 combos all mono
My son and I are just starting to salmon fish. We fish out of an 18 ft. deep V. Sea Nymph. We mainly fish out of Holland and occasionaly Traverse Bay. We have 2 manual down riggers and dipsy's. We appreciate any sugestions because so far we have not been to successful. Kevin Gibson and Son
thanks for the help my son and I are new at this still learning we have the convector 45dx reels no boards two penn manual riggers maybe we'll get a ride sometime with somebody and get some experience
Hi I would like to get two okuma reels spooled with lead for dipsy,s any idea who I could trust in my area to do this right.My son and I are new at this and could really use help and advise on this set-up. thanks