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Charter Captain
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Everything posted by mattmishler

  1. That sounds more fun than waking up at 3:30am.. .and catch as many fish. Nice job tho
  2. With me working alot this summer and only being able to fish not that much anymore im there for along time. I set lines at 4am and pull them at noon. If i dont have a limit.
  3. White crush Dw with a pickeled sunshine with a 52 inch leader yes i said 52
  4. Dont be scared of all the boats there. They can only fish the morning.........that leaves 200+ boats sitting at dock at 5pm. Fish saturday night.....my buddie dave loves to fish the night of the tourment cuz theres not alot of people out fishing. So if dont count your self out for some great fishing that is beening had in ludington right now.
  5. The bob-along will not be there AGAIN for the third weekend in a row. Grandpas to busy tany more to fish lol. We should be up there in two weeks or so. Good luck on the touney. Can we hear a three pete for the ladies am 2nd place?? Good luck wish i was out there.
  6. Send me one of them measly 23lbers. If you get tired of catching them lol:lol:
  7. Thats one heck of a fish. Whats that spin doc called that you got there i might need one lol
  8. Great way to end the eye season. Now it time for some big fish and a great port.
  9. Fish hawk X4. I love this thing i can go down 150 ft and still have a reading all the time. They dont eat batteries and you dont have to have a coated cable. IMO
  10. when we fish steelhead which is quite often. We run two high divers back 60-80ft with orange spoons. Then on boards depending on where the fish are in the water colum we will have flats,2,3,5,6,8,10 colors on boards. I like a BIG spread when were fishing out there cuz your in hunting mode when your lookin for fish. And you can get away with a bigger spread cuz theres not to many boats out there. Oh and another thing look for surface temp breaks. Good steelhead colors are yellow,orange,red,copper, green.
  11. Mags,mags and more mags. i have taken a few on supper slims but more fishing on mags.
  12. double glow glow green splatter blue splatter wonderbread yellow splatter mother of pearl easter egg. I love to run plugs!!! this weekend im gonna pick up the new #6s from chucks.
  13. The one way that i get around this problem is put in early! i bet ed will chime in about this lol but We are the first boat in the parking lot in the morning. And if we dont fill out koolers then we will prob be one of the last ones to. Iv seen it time and time again i will be first one in and will here about the guys who have to wait 1 hour to put in. Its hard on the body a little but we can sleep when were dead lol
  14. Thats where im going thursday!!!!! I just got off the fone with him and he went zero for zero. Thats the first time in 4 years that it has happened.
  15. Amen to that!! OR the guys that parks side ways and takes up three docks. Im a pretty nice guy a 4 in the morning but when you do that crap people turn UGLY.
  16. wow u guys did pretty good. i just talked with my grandpa and hes in the 55s 35s and hasent had a bump at that was at 9 and he was out there sence 5
  17. Great job. A 12lb ho??? The biggest i seen was a 11.4 ho. Man i need to start fishing a differnt lake lol
  18. Nice job adam cant be family and fishing they go hand and hand. Sounds like the bay is better than the big pond. Great job
  19. 17th Got up there about 5 seen the winds werent to bad so we went out. Set them in 85 fow in the 54s and made a SW. I just got all the rods set and rigger down 80 goes with a black tux and pickeled sunshine fly. We cricled around in the area for an hour and a half and pick up 2 more bites both on full core with MS moonshine. Pulled lines about 8 going to for three in two hours. 18th Went back to the same spot. Everything looked good there was big hooks on the screan, bait fish and no takers. By 9 oclock of not getting anything we made a west troll to the 4000s. We went 5for7 in 2 hours out there. We had all small fish. 2 two year olds, 1 three year old bout 5 pounds and a 4 pound lake trout. We threw a lively 12 incher back. With 5 footers comming over stern alot we went in about noon.
  20. Chruch makes a flag for them that have LEDS in the flag they run for about 12 bucks and there very easy to use. I have them on two of mine and i really like them for after dark fishing. The lights are red and green. The only problem that i have with them is that there batterys dont last very long about 6 hours and there dead.
  21. Yeah were leaving for there right now. This is only our 2nd weekend up there, we really havent fishing that much.
  22. Nice job Ed. Are u comming up when Jan and terry are comming up.
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