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Charter Captain
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Everything posted by mattmishler

  1. Ohh guys on hear are really good at spending other peoples money but if i were you and you like okuma stuff for leadcore from 2to7 colors Okuma magna pro 30s or you can get the CV 30s. From 8to11 colors go with the 45 magna pro or the CV45. Oh id put them all on calssic pro rods to MH. For copper from 300 will barley squeez on a 45 but it works. You also can put a 500 copper on a CV55. For rods classic pro GLT copper rods in MH. Hope this helps
  2. nice job jason, now you have to be like the rest of us and wish that you were fishin.
  3. what size of diesel is that running?

  4. yea right i mean it cant be that hard to move a 32 footer lol but i am also moving ports i think i will be in manistee. I fished with adventure 1 fishing charters and he might take me as part time and also dick of abventure 1 called craig kent who is lookin for a full time first mate so ill gonna talk to him and see if i can get full

  5. Its going lots of deer hunting and awaiting a first mate job for next season. Did you guys find a place to dock next year??

  6. nice job cant beat that for a bow season.
  7. she looks like a keeper. i know a lady just like her, her name is jan otis of the mermaid. At 70+ years of age she still gets up and fishes everyday and drives the boat reels in big kings on LONG lead core. She would school the weekend worrier anyday. Shes been doing for 40 years talk about a great catch for a wife
  8. nice looking rig now all you need is rod holders for double divers and bird trees for all the lead core and copper you can put in the water:lol::lol: great looking rig i fished on when last year very nice rig
  9. I love my big jon ban busters,iv used them all and like them the best
  10. Im a big fan of moonshines and dreamweavers. Theres atlease 4 of them is out spread. Best for us for the last 2 years has been hands down moonshine sarge in a regular size.
  11. Nice to see that there are some guys that like to fish like me. I do have 4 divers but i dont usually fish them. i like riggers and lead core and out deep you dont have the bonheads that like to run everything over. Ohh yea the meats a little better tasting that a nasty old brown king
  12. love the picks ed. Man its gotta be nice when your kids can take the big water the most guys i know. When you gonna teach'em how the set rods lol
  13. Nice job ed, Its kinda a hard choice this time of year between deer slaying and fish wacking
  14. Nice job Matt!!! Cant beat a nice bow kill
  15. nice job jason i was on dicks boat and we had the same kinda day they didnt wanna make it to the boat
  16. She looks very nice jim you wont be dissiponted with it. We have a 9.9 on ours and love it can get that speed down to the 10th
  17. i hear that in the 50s and in the 35s have been doing ok
  18. I know there are a few guys out there that are gonna fish untill they have to break ice off there boats. But for alot of us there in storage for the winter and were looking to blast somthing in the woods. I was just wondering how everyones salmon year went. Ours started out with the best weekend we had all year boating 24 fish in 3 days then it went down hill from there. I think our end tally was 97 fish and 26 trips. This was the worst season that i have ever seen sence i started fishin in 01. We had 2 skunks this year, try to explain a with over 50 years of experice between me and grandpa with dumb founded alot of people but every dog has its day. The fish were small for us to big fish came on the first weekend up there a 17.1 pound king, lake trout was 12.5, coho was 9.5 steelhead was 8, and we had a brown 4 pounds. The best baits we had this year were moonshine sarge on a rigger,blue thunder silver streak was good for us to. We only had one good plug and that was 5inch silver hoard double glow goast plug. With adam doing so well on flashers last year i was putting them down as many as i could. best colors was a blue bubble spin doc with a blue frog squid, then the black tux with pickeled sunshine. But the #1 was a green chrome and chrush spin doc with froggy strong fly. Thats the run down for the Bob-along 2010 season. Next year im going to go threw it and get my first mate card and try to get on a boat.
  19. Good luck out there erik, theres a doe tag that NEEDS to be filled saturday night with my name on it. Good luck to all those to tromp thrrew the woods this weekend
  20. ohh BTW dont looke at free styles report, He wacked em down in the 50s and 36s lol
  21. hey beats siting home, we did the same thing wednesday ran out and got it. It was one bad year in ludington for alot of people thats for sure. ohh well its time to shoot somthing now
  22. Adam you didnt miss much at all, i think we boated like 97 fish in 24 trips. Thats really bad for us i mean i think we had 311 last year. Ohh well it time to get out and blast somthing
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