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Charter Captain
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Everything posted by mattmishler

  1. Hi don i know your a charter capt so and i just got a first mate job and i have a few Qs. I kinda wanna know the do's and dont's of a first mate. anything will help

  2. I always thought it would be a great job to become a first mate. So half way threw july i started emailing a few charters out of ludington with no reasponce. After having no one contact me i sent it out to the whole fleet and still i didnt get a reasponce. So i kinda gave up for a while. So one day i was posting on hear about that i might try to become a first mate and Dick Donovan(adventure 1 charters) PM me saying i might be looking for a mate for next season if you wanna come fish with us next weekend your more then welcome to. So after dick said he dosent know if he will need me for 2011 season, i sent a email out to Craig Kent of Killin Time 3 and ask if he was looking for one. With a little luck he was in the market for a new first mate.....4 weeks later he came to my house to meet me and my parents also to offer me a full time first mate job for the next season.:lol::lol:
  3. ahh jim i know exactly what you have its a sickness called immafishaholic its very common in the months of novemeber threw april. The only treament is the sound of a drag screamming.:lol:
  4. yea u guys had all the cold water over there lol. My best rod was a 150 rigger and a low diver back 250
  5. It was prob a Forschner. Me and grandpa both have them there both 11 inchers i believe. There the best knife around for salmon. All the charters will say thats all they use.
  6. hey robert i make ya a deal ill drive your boat for 6874.99......heck of a deal i know:lol::lol: couldnt help my self
  7. Sounds like a good time for a road trip next summer. If u dont want to bring your boat theres alot of people that would be more than glad to take you for a little gas $.
  8. Thank god for the internet I watch salmon fishing all the time on there. Hears some links that i have found if you wanna watch them. http://www.vimeo.com/5160504 - kingseeker tv http://www.vimeo.com/openingday/videos -Hunters exchange http://www.gl2s.com/ http://www.myoutdoortv.com then search lake michigan salmon fishing for lots of good vids
  9. what kind of rig u running on them inland lake lakers
  10. i spin on fish alot that one some days can make it or break it for ya. I mean last aug i fished two wave points for 4 days and pulled 42 fish out of them. The two wave points were less than 1/4 a part. But i could also spin really fast on them due to having two SWR on riggers. That all i ran because that was two much some of the time with fish going all the time. It was the best week of fish i have ever had.
  11. short cores are really good when fish are on the top 25
  12. Great season. You guys takes some really good info from your days catch.
  13. as long as its in the backin then you shouldnt have a problem. i add 10 feet past the core
  14. i have a 209 with a 3 color on it just make sure the spool is full and its not that bad
  15. ALOT lol but if your worried about how much just tie your leader to the leader to your core and put everything on in reverse om the reel then take a drill with another spool on it and take it off a rewind it on your reel. Thats the way i do it and dont have any problems with it
  16. I shot a 2.5 year old 4 point opening day thought he was bigger but ohh well thats hunting seen two biggers buck than the one i shot i missed the 7 point and watched a good 6 point all day. But I have set a date with craig and its the first weekend in december so i will keep you updated what goes on when we meet.

  17. All i do is leave it on the more action side and tie my fly to the snap makes changing out flys to other spin docs a breeze
  18. Nice buck steve. I bet that was a long 20 min lol
  19. I have fished on alot of boats that have them and a few and dont. I really like em and wouldnt fish with out them. There just plain handy its a extra guy on the boat. I know that you dont usually fish with alot of people but when your trying to net a fish in 3 footers and are running back from the helm to the stern because its always moving your gonna really like it. The auto is really i mean your always not on the wheel, most of the time me and grandpa are setting lines or doing other stuff so we use it ALOT.
  20. i run 8'6 MH shimano TDRs on all my cores no problem with running them with other lenth rods
  21. yea its ok if you like HUGE eyes great fish gord
  22. as long as there biting somthing i really dont care.
  23. i guess im the only loner with a round 10s. i troll around 2.3to2.7 and have found that i only have a 5 foot blow back at 100 ft down but if the currents really bad i put 2 24oz balls on the rigger to make them 13s
  24. i really like useing SRWs i run them from early morning to late sun up and they take alot of fish for me to.
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