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Charter Captain
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Everything posted by mattmishler

  1. Moonshine sarge by far. it dont matter if its sunny or snowing it will go on everything from riggers/divers/cores/copper it was good from june to oct. If this spoon is really hot it goes on everyrod. I member fishing 6 at one time.
  2. We run ALOT of meat when the sun is high. Its usually 4 divers with 11inch paddles with meat. Two out downs get 8 inchers with mean with out a teaser, the shoot gets a 11inch..then copper/core gets 8inches with meat. Is it kind of pain in the but? yea but hey it catches fish and i can complain....i might try to thro one in next year behind a flasher.
  3. iv ran .5 pound off planar boards...no problem but i was also only had it out 150ft
  4. Is this the same Mark whos inlaws are jan and terry otis??

  5. I will be at the GR camper and RV show...helpin the Killin Time booth.
  6. To go with eds post if you want to go with a charter make a reservation now they do go really fast that time of year...of fish the the charter as a high light end of the day trip...i do know a few good capts in manistee(Killin Time 3) and thats not cuz i work for him:lol::lol::lol:
  7. Most guys run 27lbs lead core.......snap weight can get you extra depth really easy....i run a half pound on my full core and it gets down about 70-80 ft
  8. Three a side???? How many tangles do you get with them?? I fish two per side alot and get tangles hear and there its gotta be worse with 3 oh and what size divers are you running and the setting?
  9. I LOVE my X4....the probe batterys last 15- 20 trips and there is alot less blow back on that rigger...the head unit is the best out there you can put it in the helm and see all the way to your out downs. I fished on alot of boats and the fish hawk is my favorite bar none.
  10. All right thanks again mike, i think you just gave me a new project in class i am going to put the pins then try to make a cast with CNC and shoot hot plastic into just to get see if i can .
  11. well thank you, I love this sport like everyone on hear dose. The people one hear are VERY nice and helpful. Theres no boneheads and guys trying to pick fights with you on hear like some fourms have. The head guy GLF( mike) hates if someone dose it he will tell you to leave and deleate your profilie.....it makes it a very warm family fun site.

  12. all right thanks mike...i think im gonna try to make a dozen up just to have on the boat.
  13. Mike what are the numbers for them pins. I wanna makes some up at the tech center that i go to.
  14. I really like them, the have there own box for me. Steelies will eat them up to. There really good for me all year long. Best colors for me majic man( king and steelhead) beefeeder, wonderbread, green dolphin is prob my top SS.
  15. Iv been runnin long leads like this with out the teasers for 2 years with great success. I have 11 inch paddles and 10 inch spin docs with 52 inch leaders. Down deep there one of my go twos. low divers and rigger did the damage.
  16. You also have to figure in if your running them near the bottem they will go up 8ft and down 8ft with 40+ line out. But i start fishing plugs when i start in june. I may put one out and if it firing maybe to.....in aug-sept its usually half flasher flys half plugs. My favorite are green platter,blue splatter, green latter back, my best of all time is the all glow oh yea there all silver hoards to. They work on everything tho copper,core,lead drop, rigger and divers.
  17. i run a little 6inch blue spin doc with a stinger blue bubble spoon. On a diver its a great combo for everything.
  18. Hi josh as you know i just got a first mate job in manistee and i have a few Qs. I kinda wanna know the do's and dont's of charter fishing. anything will help thanks. hears the copy of it

  19. We got some good ice up by be i had 4 inches last night...i will be fishing for the next 3 days strait so ill keep posted
  20. Hi josh as you know i just got a first mate job in manistee and i have a few Qs. I kinda wanna know the do's and dont's of charter fishing. anything will help thanks.

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