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Everything posted by mattmishler

  1. Fishing in manistee has been good, lots of meat meat meat....its the only thing were running..fishing the bank 80-250ft...sorry kind of a small report...if you want lures and a better report stop in at tangled tackle or insta launch..we do the hot boards there...been a really busy season for us...im doing this on the way to the boat via phone.
  2. No need for flor, we would go broke 25lb big game for us.
  3. Sounds like a great time to run doubles on one screw of a bridge boat.
  4. The fish as slowed down for this time of the year. The fish are not out on the shelf, we have been eaither fishing the harbor for a few kings or making the long run down to big pt. The program for big pt has been a meat and spoon bite, green dolphin,wondebread, black killer, nbk,42nd, bloody nose. The best meat rigs have been green and blue hymostist 3 teaser rigs on a blue edge 8inch prochip flasher or a NBK flasher. The harbor program has been a little of everything, our best were pulgs today, ace highs in blue and green splatter, mother of pearl and double glow, had a hit on a flasher and fly. Have been taking some on spoons to, its a little of whatever you want to thro at them kind of thing, but it hasnt been a "normal" august, where the wack fest starts at sun up. We have been really having to work for our fish...Thanks, full boxes and tight lines
  5. Big bow and cabin to tan and sleep.....it won't be long befor u got a 30fter
  6. Are you sure? Everytime I go down to your boat, u have nbks on everthing lol. For us its nbk,yellow killer, green dolphin all in regular and stingray size...their stingers so they all catch fish.
  7. hahahahahahahahah funny funny guy, it was just the lense, they will be hear shortly. i guess i should stop smashing my face into rod holders
  8. Well im not like most, i do like a long core or copper down to chute. i weave the core threw it with out problems. i have a big fish on yea ill pull it, other than than i got one down the chute, if it takes one fish in a charter then i got one more in the box than if i didnt. i like 10 or 300 coppers, depending where the fish are. i do like one in the harbor to.....
  9. Go big, once u get a good pair you will never go back, I got costa and love em.
  10. Sounds like you had a great time, fishing has been tough. I talk to alot of ludington guys daily and they were hurting to
  11. We fish steelies a lot this year, I run one size spoon and that's a regular size stinger, my best lures are double orange crush on a gold blade, steelie stomper, dang, green dolphin, craigs xmas and lemon ice. I run these spoons on High and low silde divers,riggers and sliders and lead core
  12. The offshore fishery that was very good for us in the past weeks has died...and so has the inshore fishery. They were both very slow this last few days but it can only pick up from hear, its more less pick your weapon that you want to run at them. I had few bites on spoons, few on meat, few on flashers and flies and a few on plugs. This was fishing the bank anyways, good flashers has been a NBK prochip flasher with hypnotist fly, 11inch black slick paddle with ocean fly, meat rigs NBK and Blue killer with hypnotist and blue no see em teasers. Silver hoard double glow ace hi in blue splatter and green splatter was good. The spoon bite can very from day to day, the old stand buys work, NBK, yellow killler, green dolphin, carmel dolphin, blue dolphins. good luck been from anywhere from the 07s to the 22 80-400ft
  13. I had the same results with the net bungees, email him,I got 2 hds and they are a millon times better
  14. 50 degrees, noon is my favorite time to fish the harbor, in manistee you can almost bet there is a few kings in there all the time with the little man haveing the onnly run of kings
  15. I cut my own strips from whole, I make sure hooks are inline, meat is rolling at the same speed and is not changing the roll
  16. Not enough time in the day for another site,I get usually 15min a day on the web.....its aug which means 3/4 of the days are doubles
  17. Lmao.....noooo its been good for us double digit boxes and mature kings out there to..you guys should have some trips comming your way...were booked up solid and calls keep comming.
  18. Thanks for the call lol,btw missed a good offshore bite AGAIN
  19. 8inch nbk stinger prochip flasher,42 inch leader,3 teaser hyomotist fly rig, glow green meat head.
  20. The bank is hold some fish, we had a hard time getting them to go so we moved off the bank and started to work 150-250ft of water, fishing 50-70down has been best. Meat rigs have been doing most of the damage, NBK prochip flashers with hypnotist teaser rigs on low diver 105-140 back, blue killer prochip flasher with hit man no see em teaser rigs on high wires back 130-170. Some spoons have been doing ok, but my meat rigs have been taking alot more fish then them, Black killer stingray on a rigger 45-55 down, yellow killer on a rigger down 70. We were fishing from the 14s all the way to the 20s. THe offshore fishing is still very good, fishing 25-80 has been best out there, 7 and 8 colors for steelies then deeper program for kings, side note there are some big mature kings out there to. Oranges on high cores and flashers and flies and some spoons down deep.
  21. Talk with tons and tons people, craig and I are on our phones daily with with someone who's on fish, yea meat rigs will take a fish or two,but were looking for 5 or 6 more fish.
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