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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. Those are some nice looking kings John!
  2. I think we were all a bit cold by the time we came in, at one point my dad was even getting soaked driving the boat from the rain blowing under the hardtop. I'm not sure how much that king weighed since I forgot the scale at home, but I would guess low teens. That's about the same thing I heard as well, kind of wish I had just gone to SB, but it was nice to try out another port.
  3. Nice job Jarod. That spray this time of year can be a bit chilly!
  4. Well we made it out to the big pond this weekend for out first trip of the year. We got started on Fri night with a short shakedown cruise to make sure everything was in working order. For the most part everything worked good with one exception, our 83KHz transducer was not working, if anyone has any suggestions let me know. We trolled for about an hour without a bump and then headed in. We headed out again in the morning. My intention was to run out to 140 FOW and go out from there trying to find some fish since I had heard some reports of a few fish being caught out in 200 FOW. As we were heading out we marked some fish in in the 120's so we pulled up and started setting lines. As I was just finishing up setting lines one of the riggers goes and were into our first fish. Unfortunately he broke off about 75' behind the boat:mad:. Our next hit did not come for some time but we were able to put our first fish of the year in the boat, a nice king that came on a wire dipsy. We ended up taking one more king later in the morning on a rigger. We decided to head in at about 11 after a long cold bumpy morning. What worked: rigger 88 down with a happee meal spoon wire dipsy 180 back with white paddle & green glow fly rigger 140 down with a lucky charm dodger & green crinkle fly
  5. Nice job on the laker Jim, good to hear you got a decent day on the water.
  6. Those are some pigs John nice work!
  7. Nice looking king Jim, hopefully the lake calms a bit for you.
  8. Still beats working any day Jim, I would have traded places with you in a second!
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