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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. Just make sure you have your drags set just tight enough so line doesn't creep out and you should be alright. The only time I use snubbers is with mags since I have to tighten the drag down more to get them to hold.
  2. Sounds good Ryan, just let me know when you feel like making the trip.
  3. We made our first trip of the year out to the bank this weekend hoping the couple of warm days we had earlier last week were going to be enough to get things going. Unfortunately we were not able to get much of anything going. Saturday after noon we took two hits just before sundown with a miss on a diver back 150 with a Glow frog SD and a glow aqua fly, and a 13# king on a diver out 100 with a green DW paddle and a green bullfrog ITO fly. Both hits came in 120 to 130 FOW. Sunday morning we headed out again but we were just barely able to get to skunk out with a 8# laker that took a lime bubble ITO fly behind a green dot SD on a diver back 200 in 100 FOW. On a positive note, both days were very nice on the water and we were able to enjoy an awesome sunset on Saturday night!
  4. Welcome to GLF John.welcome: I agree with Jim, the ability to repeat your setup is the main thing, but it wouldn't hurt to load the reel up a bit more to make the counter closer.
  5. That's a good way to get the freezer stocked Frank, nice job.
  6. That's a heck of a shakedown Frank, very nice.
  7. Those are a couple of beauties Mark nice job!
  8. A flat calm lake and a feisty king on a wire diver, what more could you ask for. Nice job Mike.
  9. I think I would have to choose the downriggers as well, it's hard to beat the versatility of the riggers. Picking just one bait would be tough but if I was just targeting Kings it would be a white flasher and an aqua fly.
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