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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. After seeing some pretty good reports coming out of SB I was pretty confident that we were going to have some good fishing for the weekend. Unfortunately it did not work out that way for us. After taking care of a few things on the boat in the morning we headed out around 2:00 and fished until 9:00. We ended the night going 4 for 4, all kings from 10 to 14 lbs. We took two on high divers back 150 with ITO flies (lime bubble & KJ Special), one on a 300CU with a streak blue dolphin, and one on a 3 color SWR down 150 with a half a meal. 3 of the four came just as the sun was going down. All the fish came in 130 to 140 FOW and a down speed of 2.4 - 2.6 the best. On Sunday morning we set lines at about 5:30 and trolled until 11 without a bump, our first skunk in a couple years. We seen lots of bait and hooks but we just couldn't seen to get any of them interested, it was very frustrating. Most of the fish we marked were from 100 to 140 FOW.
  2. Nice job Jim, it was tough for us up in Sturgeon Bay as well this weekend.
  3. Sorry to hear that Russ it sure kills me to hear about stuff like that.
  4. I like to put on 30' to start with and I will retie when it gets down to 10' or so.
  5. Putting a 20 lber in the boat always makes for a good trip, nice job John.
  6. Nice job Dave, sounds like it was a good morning to be on the water.
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