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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. For the last week we have been in Sturgeon Bay for a bit of vacation which gave us a lot of time to fish the KD tournament and look for one of those big kings to put us in the money. The fishing on the bank was pretty tough with the amount of boats on the water all fighting for there spot on the edge. Our best water was in the 110 to 140, usually shallower in the morning and out a bit deeper as the sun came up. During the morning bite dipsies with flies, and riggers with both flies and spoons took fish, unfortunately the morning bite for us was quite short. As the sun came up we usually had a couple hours of very limited action followed by a little more consistent action later in the morning with UV ITO flies on the dipsies and spoons on the riggers and long lines. Green colors seemed to work best for us during the week. During the week the biggest kings we could find were in the mid teens, nothing big enough to bring to the scales for the tourney. On Sunday the last day of the tourney that all changed as a 25.72 lb king hit the deck and turned out to be the biggest King weighed in at SB on the final day of the KD. He took a Stinger NBK on a rigger 54 down. I don't know where we are going to end up in the derby but we should be in the top 25.
  2. I would go with a 300 of 45# copper and a 7 color, that should help you cover more water on each side of your current setups.
  3. Nice job Thomas. There are some reports of decent numbers of fish being taken out deep in SB as well.
  4. Sorry to hear about the rough day Jim, at least you were able to put a few in the boat.
  5. Another thing you can do is drop down a pump hand with a dodger on it and watch the action you are getting in your rod tip.
  6. If your refering to your slider pics I can see them.
  7. It's been the opposite for me, riggers and divers have been good and the long lines have been dead. Since your riggers and divers are dead I would try running longer leads on your riggers and maybe put out a SWR. For the divers I would run them at a 2 or 3 setting and get them a bit further from the boat.
  8. Fishing sure has been tough lately, nice job getting your on her first salmon.
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