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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. Very nice TJ, have fun with the new ride!
  2. Congrats to hunter! Good luck in Kalamazoo guys!
  3. Welcome to GLF Matt. I can't imagine what it would be like to hit a deer like that, glad your ok.
  4. In WI sliders do count as another line. I have run stackers in the past but not for some time, now if I want to add a line in my rigger spread I will use a slider. Sliders always seemed like less of a hassle when changing lures and resetting. Majority of the time though I do not run any stackers or sliders, I would rather spread out more with copper and core instead.
  5. Nice Adam. Do you have a pic of that rotten banana spoon, it sure has been good for you lately.
  6. Welcome to GLF Matt, always good to see more Wisco guys on here. Let us know how we can help.
  7. Nice job on the fish Jeff. Trolling faster might help you reduce the number of lakers you pick up.
  8. Another nice solo trip Adam, very nice. Broken equipment is always frustrating, you might have to talk to Tony about some of those fancy Eyefull rods.
  9. I am currently running braid and wire but eventually I will switch to all wire for the divers. we also seem to miss more fish on the braid than the wire, I think it may have to do with how limp the braid is. I also like the durability you get with the wire. For probes I have the cannon intelli troll and so far seems to be a pretty good unit. I went with the Cannon because it can easily taken off the cable and it has a pressure sensor for actual depth. The coated cables can be a hassle at times and that is were the fish hawk would be nice. I think all of the S & T units on the market today are quality products and they will all help you put more fish in the boat.
  10. Crazy pics Adam, glad you were able to get off the water without any trouble! Nice job on the fish as well.
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