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Everything posted by anthonyyost

  1. Spent the week on my boat at the Ludington City Marina from Saturday the 1st thru Sunday the 9th. Weather was rough all week, but got a little fishing in. Saturday, 8/1 Too windy, no fishing Sunday 8/2 Got out in the afternoon and caught 1 steelhead before the water turned to 6-8 footers. Took me 2 hours from the point back to the harbor Monday 8/3 Too windy, no fishing. Sharpened hooks. Tuesday 8/4 a.m. Went out by myself in the a.m. and caught 4 kings. Landed my first double by myself. Yeck Holographic Lemon Ice Magnum took 3, Lemon Ice Spin Doctor with Lemon Ice Pulse fly off wire line took #4 Tuesday 8/4 p.m. Some friends came over and we fished north for the evening, caught 6 with the largest being 19# Wed. 8/5 p.m. Uncle came up from Battle Creek, took a couple of hits on cut bait rigs but they came unbuttoned. Thursday 8/6 midday My dad and uncle and I went straight out to 250 fow and fished back and forth at this depth and landed 4 steelhead and 3 kings, the largest being 16# Again the lemon ice was the best performer Friday 8/7 My brother came up from Grand Rapids, we didn't get out until about 7 am and by the time we got set up the wind and waves got the better of us so we came back in and went out after lunch when the wind died down, got about an hour in when the wind came back up and sent us back, no fish Saturday 8/8 evening Thunderstormed all morning, settled down in the afternoon, I was by myself and the guy in the slip next to me invited me out with him. We fished from about 2 p.m. until after dark when the lightning drove us in, and we boated 6 kings. Sunday 8/9 Thunderstorms again, too windy to fish so I packed up and came back home Other than the weather, good fishin when I could get out. Seem to be getting some hard hits at the lures. Lost 6 dipsey setups due to breaking when the fish hit.
  2. You have gotten all of your honey do list done for the week, and your wife says you can fish on Saturday if you are back in time to take her mother to her weekly bingo match. Just as you are starting to pull the lines after a very mediocre day of fishing, things start popping, it is going to get hot and heavy. But you know if you don't leave immediately, your mother in law will not make it to bingo. What do you do?
  3. Hey, that electrical charge might help attract the fish:grin:
  4. this is my second season fishing the big lake, I hate to admit it, but last year I bet my dad and I had over 100 hours in the boat before we caught our first fish. have learned a lot since then.
  5. Nice job, lots of nice fish there.
  6. Good fish Kevin, what did you catch it on?
  7. My dad and I got on the water around 10 a.m. and went straight west, dropped lines in 70 fow and trolled out to 400 fow. Took a 9# steelhead on a 5 color using a Silver Horde Yellow Splatterback plug, a 9# king on a 10 color with a Lemon Ice mag spoon, and 3# king on the 10 color, and a small king. Pulled lines around 4 p.m. when the weather started to turn. Nice day for fishing. Also, I will be staying on the boat the first week of August at the Ludington City Marina. If anyone is interested in going out some time during that period, pm me and maybe we can find some time.
  8. I bought these 12# downrigger weights off a guy on Ebay who makes them in his spare time. I thought I would try 2 to see how they work before buying anymore. They came to about $29.00 each including freight. I will let you know how they work out next time I go out
  9. do you think the fish like it when you color coordinate your divers, dodgers etc. with your lures?
  10. I bought a Moeller unit from Overton's last year after the shop I take my boats and snowmobiles to charged me $120.00 for an oil change:eek: The Moeller works very well. Just warm the motor for a few minutes and slide the tube into the dipstick ( it comes with different size tubing and fittings so it can be used for a variety of oil changes) Pump the handle a few times and it sucks all the oil out. It takes a few minutes, but it works well. I thought about installing the drain tube, until I found out I would have to lift the motor to intall the parts.
  11. I lost three boards due to the board releasing, sliding down the line and hitting the speed bead, and then spinning around the line and the clip that came with the board would spin itself off the line. Then I tried using red pads so the board would not release and lost 4 fish in one day due to having to fight the board and the fish would have slack on the back side. I went back to the release and speed bead method only I put a heavy snap swivel on the back of the board that cannot come off the line, that seems to have done the trick so far.
  12. Can you do the same thing with a live feed, or constant transmission, or can you only take a picture every moment or so?
  13. how deep would the 300' of 45# and 30# run?
  14. Alright, as long as we are on the subject, I have 4 leadcore that I run off planer boards, 2 off each side. A 10,6,5,3. If I wanted to set up a couple of copper lines, could I use them along with the lead core to run 3 off a side? What would be the best lengths of copper to use in conjunction with the lead core. Alot of times I will also run a 10 color down the chute, it usually gets a little action.
  15. Nice boat guys, that looks like the same autopilot that I have on my boat that I had to do a little tinkering on. If you have any questions, maybe I can be of help.
  16. Nice one, how long did it take to bring that one in?
  17. Got out on the water about 2 p.m. with my dad and my neighbor, Matt Mishler. Went out west to 250 fow and took a north troll outside of the nets. Ended up with 10, some of which were small, but Matt landed a nice 21# female that was full of eggs. Around 7 p.m. trolled into 150' water at the point and went south, but nothing, surface temp was up to 65 degrees, so we called it a night. Did lose two other nice ones earlier in the day, but I would have to say it was a good day to fish:grin:
  18. Most likely somewhere in youre wiring you have a short, bare wires touching each other, or shorting out on the boat. You will have to inspect it until you find the source.
  19. I have a Hummingbird unit that was on my old boat, and I had trouble with it until I hooked it directly to the battery, the drop in voltage during the cranking process messed with it when it was hooked up to the fuseboard.
  20. I had a nice 16' Starcraft that I sold because I could never work up the nerve to venture out beyond the breakwall in it. I bought the 20' Thompson, which is still for sale, and last fall bought the SeaRay 270 Amberjack. Guess I wouldn't have made a good sailor. My neighbor and his father fish out of a 12' aluminum boat, they must be good swimmers.
  21. Well Jim, you are the master of information. How about giving me a list of actual depths for cannonballs @ 2.5 mph? Say from 70 feet down to 200. Thanks, Tony
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