You're making my point, but disagreeing with the opinion. I would LOVE to lose to Jimmie, who went out ahead of time and caught 12 on Thursday and 11 on Friday and put the work in and deserves to win. That is a fisherman who knows, works and respects his craft. I realize that the fishing changed, that's fishing. I also agree with your opinion about staying out of the tournaments because you don't fish enough to compete with the guys that are out all the time. This is why we have smaller events, like WMFL and others. These are GREAT ways to get into a competitive event for a little bit of money and have a great time. I highly encourage these formats. I just don't like the big money events being weigh 5. I don't think I'm alone in my opinion, but others have chosen to abstain from the post, which I understand completely. OH, and I DO like boobs and butts. Just throwing it out there so you don't think I'm a complete moron.