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Just in time

Charter Captain
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Everything posted by Just in time

  1. Thanks Frank. I figured out how to post pictures today so i hope to keep posting reports. Mike

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  2. I bought two of these and lost the part that hooks to the net on both nets one trip. Personally feel they need a better hook connected to the magnet. I will make one out of aluminum and pin a good snap swivle to it.
  3. It has deep side walls and plenty of room for a small boat. 10 foot beam sure is nice. I went 5 for 6 tonight. I posted the report. Thanks Mike
  4. First trip out we went 5 for 6. The little one was a hitch hiker. One on a dipsey in which was the little one. Bloody nose moonshine fly with a blue glow spin doctor. 3 on SWR 87 down with 10lb ball. The laker was in 150 FOW the two 5lb kings were in 90 FOW All were caught with a Moonshine double trouble. The 14 lb King came on a Stinger glow wonderbread 93 down with a 10lb ball in 90 FOW. I did have issues with the Zboards diving with 450 copper and 17.5 core. I lost one with the core tonight. It dove and went right behind the boat and caught my wire diver. Switched over to my My walleye boards and the troubles went away even though the core did not produce tonight. Lake was calm and I tried to tune the z Boards. Something with the starboard side boards they will not run on my boat without diving.
  5. Yes, nailer i sold the Tiara last year in August and replaced it with the Thompson. I hope this new boat will catch fish like the tiara did. I needed more room to charter. The boat passed the inspection today so now I can start to advertise Just-N-Time charters. Atleast now I can write off the expenses involved. Going out tonight I will take some photos of the catch and post tomorrow.
  6. Getting inspection from the DNR today for charter fishing. I will start posting fishing reports soon. Thanks Mike
  7. Boat has been in the shop getting a new transom and engine. i believe she is ready to fish now finally. Big Jon brutes and trees from lord of the riggers.
  8. I am currently going to use Inline boards on my new boat. For the last three years I used otter boats and did not have many lost fish and it sure is nice to not fight the board. I never saw any issues after catching fish I just put the line out again without pulling the longer ones first. Very seldom had any tangles with the big boards. I did buy a set of Z boards and I have missed my mast already. I will soon have both and the ability to fish with either I hope.
  9. Randy,

    I have my boat ready to fish. I posted a couple pictures under boats. In a few weeks you should come fish White lake port on my boat. Mike I need a couple weeks to figure the local program out.

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  10. Frank,

    I finally have the Thompson hard top ready to fish. I put pictures of it under boats I do not see the img file to post pictures on a forum. Really need to take some time to figure this site out. I read the tutorial. Getting inspected today from the DNR for chartering. I will try to figure it out again later. But you can look at the pictures if you want to see my hardtop. I will start posting reports soon. Thanks Mike

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  11. I run copper and lead. I catch more fish on 17 color lead than copper. I run copper on 1 side of the boat and lead on the other. If I were buying 4 new rod setups I would buy 2 lead and 2 copper. Not sure what port you fish out of but in Montague the lake gets deep fairly quick. 450 copper is my longest copper but my 300 out fishes it.
  12. I have lost a rod and reel years ago with a plastic holder on a dipsey. I think the great lakes rod holders are the best for adjustability, strength and user friendly. I have Big Jon trees but for the dipseys I like to be able to pull the rod straight up before taking out of the holder. Only problem with the great lakes is finding someone that sells them.
  13. I would not fish without trees. I have built my own in the past. My last boat had Great Lakes Planers system and it worked great. I liked the adjustability they had. When the lake is rougher I like to move my rods aiming more towards the back. Only downfall was I had to adjust them every trip because they would hit my dock post when docking if I didnt swivle them back. My current boat is a hard top and I bought Big Jon TR4's. I like the more permant style mounting with the ability to swivel the whole tree for docking. I have the ability to build trees like either of the two mentioned above but my time is worth more than trees cost. You can buy a good set of 4 rod trees for less than $400. I suggest Lord Of the Riggers for Big Jons or Great Lakes Planers I believe they are sold on Ebay from Falcon. I have dealt with both and they are honest and expediant with shipment. And above all fair with price. I do work a full time job so I would rather spend my time off work fishing with my kids. It would take more than an evening to build comparable trees. I did not like the Berts style trees I built a few years back and would not consider another set that I could not adjust for conditions.
  14. Rick said you have a lure that you guys do not know what it is. Send me some pictures and I will help to identify. He said you guys call it the port sheldon spoon.

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  15. Don is working on the docks. When you putting the boat in?

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  16. Rick and Randy, My friend took his sea sprite to MC marine in Muskegon. He was having same issue you are having and it was some sensors in the shift mechanism not the cable. The OMC outdrive had many recalls back then and many were not done.
  17. The super copper comes off the reel more like lead core and doesnt rats nest if spooled too quickly. I ran 150, 300 and 450 last year with 300 being the best producer. I saw no differance between SC and regular copper as far as producing fish. Going to run all SC this year.
  18. If you are willing to pay shipping Johnsons great outdoors in Montague Mi has them. Talk to Mitch. His number is 231 893-6688. He will be in Monday. Okuma makes a stainless eye rod also. I have had the Taloras for 3 years and I have not had any problems with them.
  19. Where are you located? I would think the two setups should be worth $100 a piece.
  20. I prefer Stinger and Dreamweaver spoons. Stingers on my core and copper with Dreamweavers on the riggers. Favorite spoon is the Stinger Stingray bloody nose glow.
  21. BIG TREBLE "JUST-N-TIME" is for sale I am thinking I want a Tiara 27 open. I bought a new sub troll today and I will get installed tomorrow. I am planning on fishing Wed AM. I will post a report if I fish.
  22. Fished Friday morning 5 hours and was 11 for 13. Saturday morning fished 6-11 and was 12 for 18. Sunday morning fished 5:30 to 11 and was 9 for 13. Saturday was Armstrongs slip renters tournament. Congrat to Sea Marie for taking first and Noahgenda for taking second. The tournament was biggest 6 fish. Sea Marie had a box of 12. Flasher flies (green and blue) worked best for me along with moonshines double trouble and lemon ice, 100 to 120 fow 35 to 100 down. Broke my probe Friday when pulling lines so I had to fish all over. Cast will come off my wrist in 2 weeks.
  23. Thank you everyone for your praise on my fish. I am pretty much done fishing for the year I broke my wrist severly at work Tuesday . That fish took more than a half hour to land. I am glad to report I talked with Noah Genda 25 yesterday before he fished and he caught two fish lastnight and four nice fish this morning. All in the shallow water where I was doing good the last time I fished. I hope in a few weeks I might be able to atleast drive my boat and instruct someone what I want to do. Until then please post your reports so I know someone is catching the fish when I cant.
  24. I fished alone Saturday morning and was 5 out of 7. Caught a decent king in 80 FOW and a decent steelhead in 210 FOW. I also caught 3 little kings. 2 where in 318 FOW and the other was in 220 FOW. Sunday evening I had 4 fish swim awy with some of my tackle. I did have a small hitchhiker that was pretty much drowned so I kept it. Then I caught a 23lb 12 ounce king in 35 FOW with a wire #1 dipsey set on 1.5 78 ft back. Priority 1 is going to post the picture for me I can not figure it out.
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