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special x

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Everything posted by special x

  1. I have worked on quite a few of these and do have parts. Feel free to call me and i can help you diagnoise your problem 218-834-0743 Leroy.
  2. To treat one of the finest game fish on this planet like that is a discrace.:angry2:
  3. Sun morn left Two Harbors water temp in was 47 degrees ran out 7 miles water temp was 57 degrees headed NW up lake to 3 miles off Encampent set in 500ftw temp was 52 pickup 5lb laker just north of encampment on mixed veggie spoon at 45 ft down in 150 ft water went a mile north just before Castle Danger picked up 30 in plus steele 66ft down in 85ft water 2 coho on dipsey with pink X rapps 154 ft back 2 more 5-6 lbs lakers at Castle Danger reef . water temp 49 degrees caught another steele over 30 inches on a bumble bee spoon by Goosberry ALL STEELES were released Had 11 more fish on but never boated (small cohos ) ALL in all was good day:lol:
  4. Go to your local parts store & buy a bottle of transmission dye & pour a small amount in the resovior the leak will then be detectable with a black light or maybe even the light you use to charge your glow lures with . The fluid will look yellowish. Then you should be able to find the source of the leak.
  5. Fishlander Pinkfloyd is my best producing spoon
  6. Small cohos on the grill its the other pink meat
  7. Convector 30DX work the best for me over here on Lake Superior on the north shore I have 4 of them aslo have 4 Okomo 30 DX some shakespier some penns and a host of others but Convectors are the best of them all.
  8. I use the 10 lb fish on my center riggers & 12lb true trac pancake with the fins on the outside riggers and bend fin i do have a (chrome shark ) very spendy found that it catches bottom just like all the rest the pancakes do not get hung up as bad in the rocks as the rest when reef jumping at Isle Royal
  9. Very nice site 1 of the better ones i have seen will moniter it and see how well it works on lake superior we here also have very bad marine forcasting. 2-4 ft usally means 5-7 ft waves
  10. Got out on Sat for an hour & half warmest water was 42 degree set up in 150 ft and trolled in to 65ft picked up 1 8lb laker at 45 ft on down rigger with a sour apple spoon was rough 4-6 ft waves . Sun afternoon no better waves5-8 ft 45 degree water temp both days wind out of NE 15-20 knots only hit on sun was on the gaff landed a nice 150 qt cooler.
  11. I use apex on half core long line for steelhead in sept at Isle Royal with great luck.
  12. Coho & kings are usually about 2-6 lbs a few bigger but rarley anything close to 20lbs. Deep water is really close on the northshore only have to 1 mile out to find 250-400 fow 8 mile out some spots go to 1100 fow need a good graph.
  13. Finally made it out we left KR at 8.20am fog was really thick . Motored out about 3.5 miles and set up in 550fow temp was 39 degrees boated a 8lb laker at 90ft 20 min after setup finally found warmer water 56 degree with a small temp break at 53 degree an boated 6lb laker on dipsey the had a salmon on a dipsey an lost it at boat a little slow but just nice to get out.
  14. AWSOME great job
  15. I myself no longer use rubber snubers on my dipseys. To many fish seemed to get off. Now I just use fireline with a mono leader and works really well for me .
  16. Downrigger we are best all summer over here on the west side of Lake Superior . Mostly because of overly warm surface temps droped fish deep.Best spoons were pink floyd by fishlander & sour apple by creative touch. Dipsey were hot for the steeles.
  17. Sulpher smell is most commonly due to a over charging or battery problem. Check your charging system & batterys.Old gas dosnt have a sulpher smell it smells more like varnish.Hope this helps.
  18. Lime pepper season salt a dash of butter wrap in tinfoil & grill . Will post reports first chance we get still ice on lake by duluth. We practice catch & release IN THE GREASE.
  19. WE only troll using spoons on the down riggers sometimes when we go deep we use spoons & meat . Dipseys will vary from spoons to sticks. Sticks we use are boomers & rapps mostly. Med size spoons seem to work best for me last couple of years. Board lines we run a michiagan walley set up with spoons & sticks . Flat line with lead core and some long mon lines with sticks long lines from 200- 600 ft behind the boat. Color ? Most days u never know we just start with a variaty and work from there. Bud light in spring & Reds in fall:D
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome .Now to answer your questions about laker. We target salmon in early morn but some days with not very much luck so then we fish lakers but still run a surface spread for salmon. Depth for lakers is any were from top to 275 ft with most luck at 35-150 ft. Lakers of 7- 15 lbs are plentifull most days. Lots of boats jigg in early morn for lakes in about 225 ft water. Fall at Isle Royal produces large lakers in the 15-40 lbs range. Will post pics when I get that part figured out. l
  21. Just like to hi. Great Site lots of neat stuff here. I fish the northshore of lake Superior mostly out of Two Harbors and make 3-4 trips a year to Isle Royal for great fall fishing. My boat is 89 Bayliner 2550 with a fly bridge rigged with 4 scotty down riggers . Also run dipseys & boardlines. I own and run a automotive & marine repair shop in TH . Ihave 2 boys that are 19 & 27 that work with me at the shop. We fish together every chance we get. Have 2 grandchildren & a very understanding wife.
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