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  1. Indeed, twas 3-5 at the end, coho bite on body baits, none on flies dodgers, nor spoons, this will change Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  3. 1. I use a zip tie near the top of pole. Red for starboard, green for port. Then with lure on I hook to zip tie. 2. Holding line tight I pull the line from the zip tie to the reel and wrap the loose line around the reel, keeping reel Handel free. The dipsy should be about 1/2 length from top. 3. Now most of line is wrapped around reel with dipsey kinda loose and dangling, use the handle and tighten it up but leave some slack. 4. Place butt of pole on deck, wrap the dipsy one time around the pole, line and all, tuck the dipsy between the line and pole . Stays nice and reversing it to deploy is a cinch. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  4. Headed out Sat, reports of good catches on thin fins and spoons out of Mich City. But wind from North is predicted at 20 knots, which not sure about my first run with new to me boat. East Chicago is wind protected along the wall. Hit me up if you out there , is it 68? Not sure.
  5. 1st run of The Rodfather 2.0. a Hewescraft Oceanpro 220. i use to charter out of Michigan City. Still have all my gear ( what a mess). Downsizing is not easy. Anyways looking for any reports for this Saturday , 3/22./25 , out of the south end. If i get none ill go to East Chicago which is usually been good at this time of year for limits of Coho.
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