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About SalmonSeeker

  • Birthday 11/20/1956

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  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Fishing
  • Occupation
    Land Surveyor

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  1. It just makes it easier, especially on turns to have your inside diver on a shorter rod. You are right on with the multiple divers, deeper toward the boat and higher outside and behind. One thing that has really helped me is when you set out your dipseys, put them in the water then slowly back off the drag until it starts to peel out by itself, this lets the dipsey slowly track down without flipping over .
  2. I run 11" Paddles on my wire divers, 4-6 foot leads and have no problems at all. Run em deep, in the mud, Killer on inactive fish.
  3. Nice job Tony. I've heard that the die off we had in Ludington, is a normal thing for the lake.? Keep em Screamin!
  4. Howdy there Rex. Good to see you over here too. I'm just catching up to new membership, so am kinda browsing around yet to find my way. Happy New Year to you and yours. Thanks.

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  5. another thing to remember is that when the fish hits a free running slider it has to slide all the way to the bottom lure before it becomes tight. So if you get a hit on a slider rod, and the fish is not tight when you take the rod out of the rigger, reel like a mad man to get the slack out before the fish can spit the lure.
  6. thats a good point, don't ever run a slider on a SD or you'll be cutting the whole thing apart.
  7. that was gps speed, most fish were in the top 50 fow anyway
  8. chris, I fish the PM quite a bit and I use a simpler rig. Take a small swivel and tie it to the end of your main line. Now take about 5 or 6 feet of leader material and tie it to the lower end of the swivel and leave the tag end on the knot when your done, about 4 to 6 inches works real good. now tie a #8 or #10 egg hook on the end of the leader and whatever weight you need, 1 oz egg or even split shot to get you down on the small tag of your knot and your ready to go. best of luck Rex
  9. Well fished both am and pm today and whaled on em. We went 16 for 30+ in the am. Mostly 7 colors to 300 coppers and high divers. 13 green steelies and 3 ho's. best colors were orange and anything. Went 14 for 20+ in the pm. same colors. We fished mostly in the 37's and 38's out around the 59's to 01's. 350+fow and you need to get cookin, 3.2 to 3.8 mph. Hope to make it back out at least one more time before we jerk the boat. Gook luck guys.
  10. Well the wind finally let up. ALMOST. Fished Sunday PM from 3:30 to 8:30 Went 7 for 8 up at the point. Fish are really deep for this time of year. Most of our fish came in 220 to 280 fow. Regular size Flounder Pounder 250 out on a wire diver set on 1 1/2, took 2. Black Spin Docter with Mountain dew tape and a seaweed fly, down 200 took 2. DW Dirty White boy, down 180 took 1. Ended up on a South troll, basically straight West of the harbor in 260 FOW, and as the light went down the fish came off bottom. My graph was loaded from top to bottom with fish. One of our fish was a nice female, still loaded with eggs, so there may be another run of fish, yet. Good luck yall.
  11. Hey now Ludingtons got some pretty good lakers lately, a big one for the smoker now and then can be a good thing. Welcome Terry
  12. Capn Chucks is in the Northeast corner of Nelson and Ludington Ave. about 1/2 mile from the airport. pretty easy to find just west of the Wesco Gas station
  13. The penns would be OK if funds are tight but you really need line counters for dipseys.
  14. Well the wind finally laid down and we made it out Wednesday Night. Left the dock at 7 and headed straight out to 100 FOW. Setup and headed NW to the Indian nets between 100-140 FOW. Marked fish right out of the gate, but no takers:mad: Finally had a ripper on the low diver with an emerald/crushed glow SD w/ seaweed strong fly, back 130 on 1; took a nice 18# king. Next was a miss on a slider off the rigger. Then a nice 20+ King on a full core with a blue bubble SD w/blue bubble strong fly. Last was a 14# king on a high diver with a DW wonderbread, back 150 on 2 1/2. shaker on a 3 color when we cleared lines. All in all not a bad trip, 4 for 5 with a throw back. Fished mainly 100 fow to 160 fow, outside the indian nets (watch out for those). Lots of fish and they really seem big this year. Good luck all. Rex
  15. I also run Lowrance (339I). Have no problem marking bottom, thermocline or fish with my unit. You didn't mention how old your unit is, could also be that the transducer is simply not working properly. If your more interested in upgrading, then the more you spend, the more you get, when it comes to graphs.
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