Was watching the feed from lake superior fish cam there was a STURGEON there on video just thought that was cool! has any body else any any other rare species on there?
gonna fish duck lake sat 11-1-08 GILLS GILLS pike call me if ya want to go 5174419235 your probly hunting ,but i'll be in the water. let me know if you can get out!
I went out last night avoided the crowd and still lost 2 rigs to idiots who troll right across my spread even while i was away from the crowds NOT COOL! WHEN I'M AWAY FROM THE CROWD WHY DO PEOPLE DRIVE THERE BOATS SO CLOSE! I WENT HOME ANGRY!AND EMPTY HANDED. PLEASE PEOPLE SHOW COURTESY!
saturday is cool, any thoughts about fishing a little longer if it is a double event,maybe till 1 or 2 pm?? AND I DO PLAN ON ATTENDING WHATEVER THE DAY MAY BE [sAT.OR SUN.]