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Everything posted by joelsanders

  1. Very enjoyable.thanks!
  2. nice colors ,do they have nice chrome or painted backs?are the hooks good? they really look pretty sweet!
  3. i cast mine and yell YE-HAW!
  4. looking at the web cams, seen a boat at st. jo and one at ludington,LETS GO!
  5. PRETTY FISH,always thought the walleyes with the bands of color? look really cool!
  6. Red menace
  7. LANSING store had no sale but they did get a bunch of new stuff out on the shelf finally,got some new SUFIX 36# LEADCORE FOR $14.99 [i LIKE THE SUFIX STUFF] just waitin for the big fishing show!
  8. welcome aboard Bob!
  9. Dive bomb trolling weights would help.
  10. has anyone used the "death wish fix'd slider ,and what do you think!
  11. I'd vote for you jim! You should be a state rep.!
  12. Maybe we should get our wives gathered up and tell'em it's a ladies weekend party! Get em some hotel rooms and then go fishin! I know,i know it is a great idea!lol!
  13. Ata good boy!!
  14. Always seem to need 1 more no matter what!!!???
  15. Yummy! Cuppycakes!
  16. i cant watch it again, i couldnt take it,i knocked the table over and the wife yelled at me!lol!
  17. Grab it!...fish-on!!!
  18. AT LAST! gonna replace my engine. gonna reload with a remanufactured 5.0L GM,Gonna have a roller rocker engine,with remote oil filter and easy oil change drain settup.looking for suggestions.want it right .Got the outdrive off.MY QUESTION IS WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT THE NEW POWER PLANT COULD GO IN WITHOUT ALL THE ALLIGNMENT PROBLEMS I READ ABOUT? NOT GONNA CUT CORNERS BUT JUST WONDERING?ANY IDEAS OR COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED VERY MUCH!ABOUT ANY PART OF THE PROCEDURES OR ANY TIPS. THANKS!
  19. NICE PICS! i can tell how you hold the Bud light your gonna be just fine,and you will learn at an XLerated level and have a great new year! GOOD LUCK! lots of great fisherman on this site who always help!
  20. I have never ran them any other way! my chrome blue dolphin SD with a rapture glow hypnotist fly was my favorite rig on my favorite pole,my mag wire diver. c'mon spring i want to go troll'in!!!!!
  22. Ya! Thats what i like to hear!
  23. Welcome dennis!
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