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  1. Which is better on lake michigan herring oil or shad
  2. where is this boat located
  3. hook4242

    twisted mono

    using dream weaver #3 ball bearing swivels
  4. hook4242

    twisted mono

    no it is different setups from a downrigger spoons sometimes and spin doctors with flys others
  5. hook4242

    twisted mono

    I have a 1 lb spoon of mono that twists in about 4 days when trolling. I use number 3 ball bearing swivels. can anyone tell me how to stop the twisting that is destroying the line?
  6. When is the best time to charter for salmon out of Holand Michigan?
  7. Thank you. Will be my first trip out of Holland in the morning.
  8. how far out at Holland do you have to go to get into 150 ft range
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